Nolva and Nose Bleeds


New member
I have just started taking nolva 40mg a day since wed., everyday that i've taking it i have gotten a nose bleed. Does anyone else have this prob. and should i stop taking it and suffer the loses of no post cycle therapy (pct).
This is 3 weeks after a 10 week nile sust. 250mgs every 4 days
The test may still be in your system giving you higher blood pressure and causing the nose bleeds. Check your BP, then go from there brother.
i checked my bp throught the cycle and it wasnt out of hand, i checked it about a 3 days before i started post cycle therapy (pct) and it was just about normal. Its really starting to bother me, just out of nowhere bam, bloody ass nose.
Hmmm, the only thing that causes nose bleeds for me is D-bol. I never heard of Nolva causing nose bleeds for anyone.
Could be the weather bro. Don't know where you are but up here in the northeast it's real dry. I'm not on anything and have gotten a few bloody noses this week. Not to mention about 500 shocks when I grab a door knob or put on my damn jacket.

Good luck!