dude are you on tren ?
hahaha no I actually just finished PCT a week or so ago and haven't ran tren yet. Thinking about it next cycle though. I'm just crazy in my own ways brother lol.
you have way more free time than me ill give you that. truth is i dont have much time to post here anymore so i have very few recent posts and they are a bit rushed but i stand behind my original claim to OP more or less
[/B]i had the day off today so I had more free time than usual. Even when I'm at work though, much of my job involves waiting for various things so I post from work a lot as well. Been feeling beat up from lack of sleep so I relaxed all day. I understand you may not have the time to post much on here but I never brought that up. We all post whenever is convenient, some of us more than others.[/B]
& i dont know that you have me in check mate , your info agrees with me about taking weeks or more to restore nuts to size .... the way your post was written implied that happened before PCT
I'm not sure i did mention time, whether weeks or not. My initial post was merely trying to say starting PCT too early is not suppressive but its not going to necessarily benefit recovery either. I'm trying to say Yes you have a very correct point about wanting the esters to clear bc recovery and endogenous production will not happen so long as supraphysiological testosterone levels are present. That part I never argued against, my argument was that starting pct early will not cause further suppression or make recovery worse, it will simply not be as effective if the testes are still atrophied. The pituitary can be making all the LH it wants, you can be taking all the clomid and Nolva you can get your hands on, but the testes will not produce testosterone and will not respond as favorably to SERM treatment so long as they are atrophied. Using HCG on cycle prevents this from being an issue bc the testes won't atrophy so there's no reason to blast HCG prior to PCT bc HCG is a suppressive compound whereas Nolva and clomid are not
to quote your "research" : "it just won't have the same effect at restoring the HPTA." = hmmmm sounds like prolonged recovery time to me buddy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You took that out of context. "It just won't have the same effect at restoring the HPTA" doesn't mean it makes your recovery any longer than it would have been naturally, it won't add time to your recovery by making you go backwards and suppress yourself further it will simply not have the effect of speeding up recovery which is what PCT is for. We both are splitting hairs here so I'll agree to call it down the middle.
i dont usually get into these bro science arguments on here. i get along .
If there's one thing I pride myself on its not spitting bro science brother. I back up everything I say. If I'm wrong or understood something wrong I am man enough to admit it but I want to be proved wrong with facts and evidence to support that I'm wrong. I won't simply believe someone just bc. I'm a science nerd at heart, I work with evidence not anecdotal stories or reports. I've never claimed you don't get along and honestly I can respect the fact that even with my baiting you, you maintained a level of civility and didn't take it as personal as I would have expected from many on here. I apologize for coming across as rude, that was unprofessional of me. I will still debate you if you wish and maybe we can both learn something but I extend my olive branch. You're a good bro and I respect you for not taking this argument to the next level
(yes I swear I'm not on tren)
but i probably set myself up for this with a vague first post a bit so fair is fair...
i really only disagreed with pct being suppressive. I completely agree with you about needing esters to clear. Teste size is important to recovery but so is dissipating testosterone levels.
it is true that pct itself is not necessarily suppressive BUT how it is timed can prolong suppressive properties/side effects of gear
I agree the timing is important bc you won't recover as fast as possible. You view that as prolonging suppression and I view it as not speeding recovery, you say tomato I say tomato type of deal. Can we both agree on that
for the record there is nothing in your cut & pastes that i hadnt heard before ... i bet if you search my posts on here ive probably said half of it myself
I see you've been a member here for quite a while and you probably have more first hand experience with gear than I. When I find a topic or something I like I throw myself into it completely, almost with obsessive characteristics. I've researched my ass of to learn what I know and I'm proud of that fact but some things do come with hands on experience so in that light I'm sure I can learn a thing or two from you and I hope you can say the same.