nolvadex bad on liver?

how bad. like lets say some one counted their post cycle therapy (pct) as off time. would this really be hard on the liver.
I think the test that showed it to bad for the liver was done on females that where using it for several years and no apparent damage was seen w/ short term users of tamoxifen. Unless your doing your pcts for 2-3 years straight, I wouldn't be worried. There have been debates about this at AM.
Nolva is hepatotoxic.
However, this may not be significant due the shot periods of time of the PCT!
If you use straight, like everything else you use for no really needed puporses (like using in your off period and not for pct) probably it will push you on your liver!
But if you ask if is really gonna damage you more than getting hardly drunk 1 time per week, i really doubt it!
I think just about any drug you take in pill form will be hepatoxic at some point. Some more than others.
It causes azoospermia with extended use anyway, if that matters.

Its not anadrol, but dont abuse it. Pretty simple concept IMO.
Years ago i did a cycle of anadrol + nolva + test ... and i did hard on vodka 3 times a week ... suddenly got weak , piss yellow orange, and white stools...cholestatic jaundice... bad feeling.
daan69 said:

Extended use of Nolva can cause sterility in men (no sperm is produced). I believe that it is reversible after you stop using the Nolva. I also believe that this only happens at high doses for extended usage.

It has been shown (in a study that was posted here about a month ago) to cause elevated liver values in women that were taking Nolva for breast cancer after several years straight at 20-40mgs daily.