clo is not a very effective anti e. arimidex (ana) is however. clo with ana post cycle therapy (pct) is very effective as the ana helps keep e down while clo gets the boys up and runnin. a typical post cycle therapy (pct) would be this
week 1
ana 1mg/d for 7 days
clo 100mg/d for 7 days
week 2
ana .5mg/d for 7 days
clo 50mg/d for seven days.
anybody got any data on m1t shuttin you down? if thats all you doin at low dosages, as most here do, post cycle therapy (pct) may not be necesarry. hell with some of the cycles i seen on here anti e are not needed. every one dont need anti e and clo. some folks are not prone to sides. some are but not all. do a cycle without the other stuff and see what happens. you may be suprised. save you money for something else.