Nolvadex suspension - injected?


New member
Ok so I have nolva suspension, 100mg/ml suspended in sterile water and emulsifiers, and I'm dubious of injecting so I've been filling gel caps with the dose I need and swallowing them before the caps dissolve lol question is can this be pinned sub-q?
Are you sure this isn't a liquid that is meant to be taken orally? I have not seen Nolvadex that is injected. Is it an RC from a place like RUI?
i have a hard time believing nolva is injectable.. or at 100mg ml..

can you take a pic of it?
View attachment 562967

On the left shaken up and the right left to settle and separate, I have had this tested its 98.7mg tamoxifen citrate per ml (cost me the vial but worth it) rest is sterile water and emulsifiers. Its a very trusted source all my gear comes from its maker as in the guy who gets the raws in and cooks up. I have never heard of a problem with his gear its good stuff. So your all agreed orally is the only way - cool cheers guys I will carry on with the gel caps.