Non AAS PEDs for bodybuilding


New member
week18-mk667-osta-clomid eod-3 days of clen-daa
(mechano growth factor)mgf-200mg
d-aspartic acid-2.5g

above is the "cycle" i will be starting in the next few weeks. I'm looking for some input/constructive criticism/advice on my plan. i am a 19 year old aspiring bodybuilder. and before all the "just eat sleep and train" crap, iv been lifting seriously and counting my calories since i was 14, my diet is spot on. My training routine is very good, especially for someone of my age. basically what i am asking is does anyone have any ideas that could make this potentially more effective and or safer? my main concern is my pct and or breaks in between the suppressive compounds (s-4 and ostarine) may be insufficient, any thoughts?
i forgot to mention, i will be taking the igf-1lr3, mechano growth factor, and the mk667 5 days on 2 days off. the mgf will be taken bi laterally pwo, the igf-lr3 will be taken pre workout.
I wouldn't even touch the SARMs at your age to be honest. You can drop the DAA too as it's garbage. The most overlooked yet effective supplement available is creatine, and if you're not taking it - you should start. Don't waste your money on fancy shit either, I've yet to read anything not put out by a marketing team indicating how one form of creatine is superior over another.

You might consider the usual advice of diet and training being key as garbage - but it's the honest truth.

If there were one thing I could go back and tell my 19 year old self about this lifestyle, it would be just that. It took me a very long time to learn how to do both properly, which I now view as time I spent catching up. Get them down now, and everything else will fall into place.

My .02c :)
i totally agree with you on diet and training. i'm not saying they are not important. Diet, training and sleep are super important. PED's would be wasted without a a good training routine, diet and sleep schedule. Do you think sarms in general are a bad idea, or just s-4. S-4 is by far the more suppressive of the two by a very wide margin.T he vision sides are also quite unsettling. The ostarine however from what iv been able to find is very mildly suppressive, my understanding was mild suppression at my age isnt a huge deal if recovered from properly.(especially since ostarine has minimal effect on LH and FSH). its shutdown of the HPTA or near that really fucks you over down the road.
with that being said, any training tips you would've given you're 19 year old self? thanks for the advice in advance i really appreciate it.
and yeah i have been taking creatine for a few years. yeah i figured as much i just buy bulk monohydrate.
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i totally agree with you on diet and training. i'm not saying they are not important. Diet, training and sleep are super important. PED's would be wasted without a a good training routine, diet and sleep schedule. Do you think sarms in general are a bad idea, or just s-4. S-4 is by far the more suppressive of the two by a very wide margin.T he vision sides are also quite unsettling. The ostarine however from what iv been able to find is very mildly suppressive, my understanding was mild suppression at my age isnt a huge deal if recovered from properly.(especially since ostarine has minimal effect on LH and FSH). its shutdown of the HPTA or near that really fucks you over down the road.
with that being said, any training tips you would've given you're 19 year old self? thanks for the advice in advance i really appreciate it.
and yeah i have been taking creatine for a few years. yeah i figured as much i just buy bulk monohydrate.

I think anything that interferes with the HPTA during puberty is taking a risk with your development. Remember, it's the brain that gets the finishing touches during those last years - which is what's going to carry you through the rest of your life. I honestly haven't done a ton of research on SARMs, but from what I've read, it just seems like an unnecessary risk at your age.

Gosh, where to begin with training. I would first make sure to MASTER proper form on compound exercises. It takes around 100-150 reps to create a good foundation in your mind if done right, but THOUSANDS of reps to unlearn improper form.

Experiment with different styles of training, and take advantage of the resources available on youtube to increase your knowledge base. Get a good feel for what the differences between what strength training and hypertrophy work do for your body. Connective tissue strength comes from forcing your body to adapt over time, and this will pay off big time as you get older.

A huge one that I know a lot of us older guys really wish we worked on more is flexibility training. I kid you not when I say that just wiping my butt is nowhere near as easy as it was 15 years ago lol. Dislocation exercises and general flexibility movements will not only help you to keep that strength functional, but also will help prevent injury in the future.

I guess I'll finish this off with saying to remember to listen to your body. It's far smarter than we give it credit, and it's when we ignore it that we end up injured. I truly wish I had listened to my knees 15 years ago, before I ended up destroying them - putting me under the knife.

Hope that helps, and I seriously commend you on LEARNING before taking a leap. I only wish that more from your generation would do the same. :)
alright, it couldn't hurt to wait a few more years to start fucking with my hpta, gonna toss the sarms. any thoughts on throwing in some cjc w/o dac and ipam with the mk-667? is to my endogenous gh even possible haha. and i have my basic compounds down to a science, my first two years of training i just did either dips, ohp, bench, squats, deadlifts or rows of many varieties. My coach at the time was a MMA fighter and made me forget everything for form. looking back that was a great call XD. and yeah ive fucked around with low reps for strength but im a bodybuilder not a power lifter, im gonna stick with the higher reps and focusing on the MMC. As far as stretching goes i agree, iv already noticed a massive drop i my flexibility since i stopped wrestling last year. Any idea where to start for increasing overall flexibility? unfortunately time prohibits me from doing it at the gym, because i work early in the morning to late at night. i barely have time to lift before work. however i have about a 25-30 minute block of free time when i get home from work. do you think that would be enough time to warm and stretch?
thanks again for the help and advice :)
ninja edit: when you say connective tissue are you referring to tendons and ligaments? because that was actually what attracted me to ostarine and peptides. i have to many joint injuries to count from wrestling, and would love them to clear up XD. also as far as the HPTA goes ive already accepted a life of TRT. i realize that is a very real risk with trying to make it professionally as a bodybuilder. so i really only plan on preserving my HPTA until i can freeze some sperm a few years down the road. do you think sarms would interfere with that or my t levels in the immediate future?
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I don't believe peptides can interfere with natural development, but I'll let someone with more experience in that area chime in. Isn't mk-667 also a SARM?

Yes, I'm referring to tendons/ligaments/joints (all collagen derivatives), and nice steady growth should help promote them thickening over time. At your age, I'd imagine your natural growth hormone should help repair any damage as long as you're not doing anything silly like when I was at your age doing 700lb deadlifts. :p

I'd hold off on accepting TRT until you know it's worth it. While I don't regret being on TRT as it literally saved my life, it's a TON of upkeep and additional cost. I also am done with children, so it was a very easy decision to make.

I know there's a really great flexibility video on YouTube. I can't remember who keeps plugging it, either Bigben or Schredder - but I remember it's something 11..? 30 minutes should be fine, and I also recommend looking into shoulder dislocation stretches - they're really good too. :)
mk-667 is sold by a lot of sarm sites and what not, but its actually a growth hormone secretagogue, not a SARM. I mean ive torn both my rotator cuffs my left ac joint, broken my left wrist, torn my right acl and mcl and my left lcl and mcl, the list goes on haha. at some point natural factors just cant repair it all. I realize that trt is a pain in the ass and expensive, but to me its worth it. Ideally i wont end up on trt. With that said doing bodybuilding doses of AAS for many years like i plan to gives me a good of chance of needing trt. Really the only thing to me that would make trt not worth it is fertility. Which is why i plan on freezing sperm. and thanks ill look for the video :) never heard of shoulder dislocation stretches, YouTube the place to start?
mk-667 is sold by a lot of sarm sites and what not, but its actually a growth hormone secretagogue, not a SARM. I mean ive torn both my rotator cuffs my left ac joint, broken my left wrist, torn my right acl and mcl and my left lcl and mcl, the list goes on haha. at some point natural factors just cant repair it all. I realize that trt is a pain in the ass and expensive, but to me its worth it. Ideally i wont end up on trt. With that said doing bodybuilding doses of AAS for many years like i plan to gives me a good of chance of needing trt. Really the only thing to me that would make trt not worth it is fertility. Which is why i plan on freezing sperm. and thanks ill look for the video :) never heard of shoulder dislocation stretches, YouTube the place to start?

Holy crap that's quite the list of injuries. Have you had to undergo surgery for them? I thought LCL/MCL reconstruction on both knees was bad, sheesh.

I'd look into TB-500 as some guys swear by it for connective tissue repair. None of the peptides will give quite the same benefits of HGH, but they also don't cost the same as a used car for a year's worth either. ;)

Ah hah! It's Defranco Limber 11 (thanks Schredder!) that I was thinking of. Yes, you can find them on youtube. :)
yeah and unfortunately that's not the full list XD i had to get surgery for my right knee and my left shoulder. but for the most part just a LOT of physical therapy. yeah ive been reading about tb-500 quite an interesting compound, definitely considering it :). Price is a non issue for me, id run gh if it was safe to run at my age :/. and nice! thank you just watched that, exactly what i needed :) thanks