Non responder to Anadrol??????


New member
Ive been taking Anadrol 50, 100mgs everyday. Its been about a week and a half, and no, I am not taking this alone.

I take 25mgs at 4am, another 25mg 8hours later, and 50mg 8 hours later (preworkout).

I know my gear isnt "bunk" or fake. I know this because of the headaches I get and I cant even finish my meals most of the time due to appetite suppression. The problem Im having is Im not getting the massive water weight nor am I getting the crazy strength gains everyone seems to talk about. Why is this? I got the negative side effects yet I havent got what I expected to get. I havent gain anything. Pumps are the same, not intense. Strength is the same. I absolutely hate it and it depresses me. Ive gone up to 150, Ive gone up to 200, 250. NOTHING. Im starting to believe Drol doesnt work for me. It just sucks, to expect so much and receive so little to nothing. I dont even have a moon face lol. The only thing I got is a fuller look, but thats at the gym after hitting a few reps. I am not impressed. I was all hyped to break PRs and I feel like Im stalling.

Has anyone else experienced this with Drol? Is it possible to be a non responder? Should I just drop the drol, or should I give it a little bit more time? How long does it take to kick in, the negative sides already kicked in.
I can't tell you for sure, but I did notice a fuller look for sure, better pumps and aggression after a week of running it but ended up stopping it. Now I use it maybe once a week max as a preworkout.

What else are you running atm?
I can't tell you for sure, but I did notice a fuller look for sure, better pumps and aggression after a week of running it but ended up stopping it. Now I use it maybe once a week max as a preworkout.

What else are you running atm?

Sustanon and Tren.
I only stated the sides from the Drol. As for tren and the sustanon, my aggression is up. I do have a lot more energy in the gym. I bang my fiance 4-5 times a day..she complains..slight insomnia. Im actually more talkative. Im obviously enhanced, but Im just disappointed with the anadrol. Like I said nothing dramatic. No rapid crazy weight/strength gains. Im eating enough. My appetite is lost to the point that I feel like gagging halfway through every meal and thinking about my next meal makes me want to puke..which causes slight nausea.
Ive been taking Anadrol 50, 100mgs everyday. Its been about a week and a half, and no, I am not taking this alone.

I take 25mgs at 4am, another 25mg 8hours later, and 50mg 8 hours later (preworkout).

I know my gear isnt "bunk" or fake. I know this because of the headaches I get and I cant even finish my meals most of the time due to appetite suppression. The problem Im having is Im not getting the massive water weight nor am I getting the crazy strength gains everyone seems to talk about. Why is this? I got the negative side effects yet I havent got what I expected to get. I havent gain anything. Pumps are the same, not intense. Strength is the same. I absolutely hate it and it depresses me. Ive gone up to 150, Ive gone up to 200, 250. NOTHING. Im starting to believe Drol doesnt work for me. It just sucks, to expect so much and receive so little to nothing. I dont even have a moon face lol. The only thing I got is a fuller look, but thats at the gym after hitting a few reps. I am not impressed. I was all hyped to break PRs and I feel like Im stalling.

Has anyone else experienced this with Drol? Is it possible to be a non responder? Should I just drop the drol, or should I give it a little bit more time? How long does it take to kick in, the negative sides already kicked in.

I'm not a fan of A-bombs (Anadrol) as I can't tolerate the sides even at low dosages, but I can tell you this.....drol used to be big dollars back in the 90's but everyone raved about it. I bit the bullet and bought some from a very good source. I got absolutely shit from it and I was so pissed I gave it to a buddy of mine, and though he's genetically gifted and is a pro, he exploded on the stuff I gave him. why? I don't know. 2cnts. btw, he wasn't running anything else and was just starting into bodybuilding at that time.
I'm not a fan of A-bombs (Anadrol) as I can't tolerate the sides even at low dosages, but I can tell you this.....drol used to be big dollars back in the 90's but everyone raved about it. I bit the bullet and bought some from a very good source. I got absolutely shit from it and I was so pissed I gave it to a buddy of mine, and though he's genetically gifted and is a pro, he exploded on the stuff I gave him. why? I don't know. 2cnts. btw, he wasn't running anything else and was just starting into bodybuilding at that time.

Finally some fucking helpful information for once.
maybe drol isnt for you. usually when someone gets nothing from an oral its mostly because its bunk but theres a good chance what you got is legit and your body just aint a fan. i on the other hand love drol. strength gets to an insane level but then dbol on the other hand does fuck all for me like what drols doing for you by the sounds of it.
Fuck man, I bet you were excited because thats a crazy strength cycle you're on. Maybe try getting ahold of some of the old PH's? Its just like anadrol, lots of sides! hahahaha
I get gains from drol but I feel so much like total shit I will not even take it anymore. May sound silly but are you taking in enough cals man? If you have sides but not strength or mass often the culprit is inadequate calories.
LOL you were taking 250mg of drol per day yet saw no water retention or strength gains?
Despite this, you still believe it to be real drol hmm?

Something to be aware of:
ALOT of ugls tend to put a different compound with similar sides and label it as "anadrol" so its not a good idea to assume your gear is real based off the negative sides alone.
There arent many orals that can give you the strength/bloat of drol BUT there are plenty that can suppress your appetite & give you headaches.

Get it tested if your absolutely convinced its real but I've never heard of anyone taking 250mg of anadrol & getting nothing from it.
Get it tested if your absolutely convinced its real but I've never heard of anyone taking 250mg of anadrol & getting nothing from it.

I've never seen anyone taking more than 150 Mgs and I've seen lots of crazy ppl taking lots of crazy things ..
I myself never used that stuff so I know nothing about it..
Op , easy on ur dosage as ripped said..
A week an a half really isnt much time. Iv experienced the same angst with dianabol in the past.

First time I ran dianabol I used british dragon. Was only taking 20-30mgs a day tops. It was insane. 20 minutes agter taking a dose I could feel my heart rate pick up, I literally felt stronger and more powerfull, it made me feel fucking great. It was a very unique feeling. Anyways my strength and weight shot up almost immediately and my workouts were insane.

I tried dianabol since then from two different UGL's, both of which have 1000s of positive feedback, yet im less then impressed and thats at 50-100mgs. Yes strength and weight slowly went up a bit over the course of 4 or 5 weeks, but not much. Nothing like my first experience with it.
my guess is that it might just come down to the level of purity in the raws being used to make it. Who knows...

In case anyones wondering this isnt the old legit british dragon that got busted a ways back. This is the product methanabol that is being marketed under the british dragon name now. I dont care who is behind the name now, shits fucking legit. I just hate ordering from overseas and its much more expensiv3 but worth it.

Sorry, I know I got a little off topic. It still relates to your problem though. Dont let it get you down. Trust me, I experienced the same feeling. Maybe just ride it out till the end and if you werent happy then try a different lab next time.
LOL you were taking 250mg of drol per day yet saw no water retention or strength gains?
Despite this, you still believe it to be real drol hmm?
I've never heard of anyone taking 250mg of anadrol & getting nothing from it.

JMO..but I agree with ^^. You can not be immune to Anadrol..esp at 250mg. Sorry, just not possible. You gear has to be junk.

And OP, why would you take such a chance bro?? 250mg??? Even if you were right, and suppose your gear is real and you are immune to it.... Do you think your liver is mmune to the side effects??? I'm not trying to be a smart ass or make you look foolish, but that's a reckless way to determine how good your gear is or whether or not you're immune to it.

Again, don't take this the wrong way, but there's a lot newbies/beginners that read these posts. It's imperative they understand that this is the absolutely the wrong way to go about testing your gear.

relax give it another week these ugl don't come near pharma grade

Some UGL's have decent adrol, but it will never compare to pharm grade. I miss my Hemogenins!!!
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