Noob question for vets about tainted and infections


Fart Knocker
So I was looking at the news recently and there has been a big scare about tainted steroids (not the anabolic kind) and how people are getting meningitis and other serious complications from it.

So I was thinking, the forums sure do mention getting fever chills, head aches sweats, chemical hepatitis, cyst and infections from using juice. Im sure sometimes its user errors but Im sure some of the LABS are not all that great in sterility. So I was wondering, even if say some sicko some how found a concentration of the HIV Or HEP virus, could it really be possible to become infected with tainted gear ?

I just dont see it scientifically possible but just from reasoning along anything is possible. Just makes me wonder when guys say, no the lab gives you PIP or has been known to give infections etc. IDK just wondering and relating to you guys. Best of LUCK be careful out there!
What are you asking? If some demented Fuck could purposely taint vials with virulent substances?
Well yes. Of course someone could do that... But word would get around pretty quick if Bros were dropping from gear. And at that point jesus himself wouldn't be able to protect them from the wrath of the community. If someone did that to me, I would make it my life's mission to make them pay. I'm sure others would do the same.
if your talkin about steroids but (not the anabolic kind) ... which ones are u talking about then ? corticoe steroids ? in theory , if someone wanted to taint gear , its possible , u can have someone inject something into the deep mucle tissue and have them get sick yes . However , im sure there is only the odd case of something like this actaully happening by someone 1 person who is mentaly ill in that sense . Most of this industry is about the money , straight up i dont know how else to say it . Very low possibility people are trying to make others sick purposely out of some sick demention . Getting pip and what not is all normal due to preservatives , u can clearly test it for yourself by injecting things like BA if u realy wanted to . You can find hundred of users that havent been sck , what its coming down to is actual body reaction to the gear , influxes of hormones and sides from the gear , not the fact that everyone is tainting gear . Its realy a Monetary buissness .