Noob Question From A Longtime Member

Angry Johnny

New member
What's up, fellas?

I've been on this site for a few years now, lurking, absorbing, learning, and it's definitley paid off. I've been Blasting & Cruising for about two years now and loving it. However, this last year, I've noticed my gear leaking into other body parts. For example, I inject 1mL per week, alternating between dorso and ventro glutes bilaterally. It seems now that every time I inject, the depot travels, or infiltrates. It's gotten so bad that EVERY TIME I inject, it will go up into my hips and lower back/sacral area, causing some pretty gnarly pain.

I was used to buttcheek pain for years and never had an issue until this recent batch of gear. Have any of you guys had this and fixed it? I'd rather not inject my quads because I enjoy walking without a limp. I'm curious about delts, but concerned about mobility post-injection. For reference, I'm just dosing ********** (remember them?) Test E once a week for the last six months or so.

Any advice is appreciated.

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What gauge pin? I know when I first started doing glutes I was using to big and moved to smaller thinnner pin and it helped athlough takes longer to get it in.
Ah...That's my bad. I'm a paramedic and anything less than 18 ga was considered "large bore". I guess that makes sense. I'll back off the bats. Thanks man!
20 gauge is a harpoon! No need to go anything bigger than 23g. I use 25g personally. I have tried smaller but it starts taking a really long time to get it all injected.

I use 20g to draw. I find it does less damage to the stoppers than 18g does.

The migration likely means that you are not getting into the belly of the muscle. Make sure you are getting deep enough and not inadvertently doing subq.
20 gauge is a harpoon! No need to go anything bigger than 23g. I use 25g personally. I have tried smaller but it starts taking a really long time to get it all injected.

I use 20g to draw. I find it does less damage to the stoppers than 18g does.

The migration likely means that you are not getting into the belly of the muscle. Make sure you are getting deep enough and not inadvertently doing subq.

Exactly ^^^ 23g 1 inch is all you should need. 20G is huge for what we do. 22G isn't bad but useless. 25G is slow but great if you ever have water base. Only time 1-1/2 needle is needed is if you have a lot of body fat and this would be for Glutes, not really Vent glute.

I don't like Quads for me. Too many nerves and bleeding for me. Just quads. I love shoulders and chest. I am an Ecto, a small guy so 1-1/2 is bad . I have used 5/8 on my delts.

If you aspirate you are causing unnecessary movements and stability with the needle hence tearing tissue. Are you aspirating ?
If you aspirate you are causing unnecessary movements and stability with the needle hence tearing tissue. Are you aspirating ?

Yeah man, I aspirate. I thought about the fact that maybe my gear could have crashed, too. But, I don't really know how to tell. I know it smells awful. A very chemical or medicinal smell that I've never had with any other batch of gear.
Yeah man, I aspirate. I thought about the fact that maybe my gear could have crashed, too. But, I don't really know how to tell. I know it smells awful. A very chemical or medicinal smell that I've never had with any other batch of gear.

Well that didn't sound good. People get more PIP then then really need by not being of steady hand. The act of aspirating is a can be a big cause and is totally NOT NEEDED. I have explained this on many of threads and posts.
20GA??!?!?!?!!?! Damn, I have a hard enough time with 25GA and 1"....and still have a bit of scar tissue...if I used 20ga, I'd be a mess.
Delts are a great site. I usually go in near rear delt. No pain and it doesn't effect range of motion after injection.