Noob to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) looking for help


Trying to fix stupid
Noob to TRT looking for help

I'm 30. Always kinda felt like I may have low T and was tested back when I was 21. Dr gave the same ole "you're normal" response to the test. So, last year I decided to "cycle" with Sustanon (sust) 350 1cc/8 days for 10 weeks. I took this based on the advise of a friend but now I see it probably wasn't a true blast more like cruising. While I was taking it though, I felt amazing. Came off and ran post cycle therapy (pct) waited for things to level out and then had BW done. I did not run BW before or during cycle.

My labs: Normal:
AST 45 IU/L 40 IU/L
ALT 47 IU/L 44 IU/L
Serum Test 503 ng/dL 348-1197
LH <.02 mIU/mL 1.5-12.4
Estradiol 8.3 pg/mL 7.6-42.6

I feel as though my T level should be higher. My question is for the guys on TrT. I can live with my quality of life (lower energy, low libido, etc) for time being till I get older, but should I? If my levels decrese as I age, as they do, I know I will eventually get on. I am battling if now is the time.

Also, I feel like a douche going into the Dr to discuss this. I'm not huge but fit (around 12% BF) so if I go in talking about Test shots they will be thinking I'm just drug seeking. I have looked into the places on the web and they are kinda expensive. Cheapest I have found was $180/month. Can insurance be used? I don't mind paying privatemd for my BW wondering about the juice.

I'm also considering stocking up on some Test C and running 200mg/week on my own. Pros/Cons on self medicating?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Online takes insurance , consult with IMT they're a board sponsor and help lots of guys out who just don't feel right
Thanks bhrees. I have already spoken to them, as they are the cheapest I spoke of, but they do not take insurance. The basic testosterone replacement program includes 200mg Testosterone Cypionate, 1000iu hCG and 1mg anastrozole/week. The monthly cost is $180. If I am going to run their prescribed regiment, it would be considerably cheaper to just get my gear from an UGL and self medicate. I am leaning towards this. So, couple questions. Is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) necessary? I have already had a vasectomy so no more kids. Should I break up the dose each week? I can't send PM's yet, so I will post my labs and I hope y'all will give feedback on if I am on the right track or should even be considering all this. Thanks again for the input. I am trying to learn from all.
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To be honest with you bro...Why not go with IMT, it's legal so you won't have that pending doom of being busted for AAS.. I would give them a call again and see what TODD can do for you. He's helped me out man. Big time!
the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) just keeps the nutz plump, if you have had a snipe dont worry about that part, although it does add a jolt to the natural test production and many use it as a kick before the next shot.
id break the dose into two shots 100 mg each and same with the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) med, same day as the injection

I agree going legal is the best way, i keep my test right above the aspirin , no fear of a police raid lol
Thank you both for your advice. I will give them a call on Monday and see if I get the same story. I think I spoke to a guy named Daniel. I still have the emails. I liked how I didn't have to see one of their Drs face to face, just go get a physical from my PCP. I am going to talk to a friend too. She is a PA at a sports medicine clinic where my wife used to work. I think they have some testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patients and they take insurance.

As far as the legality issue, I try not to think about my door being kicked in. Even if I do end up on therapy, I still will end up with a blast or two going. If you're going to go dark might as well go for the gusto HA!
I would talk to them before you got your physical, you may have to see one of their network physicians.

I used to be ok with certain things that I am not ok with anymore. The meningitis thing really scared me, if a bunch of people can die from a registered pharmacy on the upper east coast then imagine would could happen from a UGL, especially from another country? The older I get, the more important it is to me to have my name on the bottle :)

Compounding pharmacies are getting ready to have to abide by stricter rules, like big pharma. This would seem like a bad thing to most, but it just means higher quality medication and you know its sterile. The pharmacies in IMT's network have already implemented the new practices.
I am going to give Todd a call Monday. See what's what. It would be awesome if I could get it under insurance. That's what I pay those bastards for each month. From what I have read, a bottle of test with a prescription is about $70. I don't know what qualifies as a "medical necessity" though.

Currently I have stashed 3 bottles of Test C, 1 Test E, and 1 Tren as I was gearing up for a blast with spare to self medicate; however, if I am going to enter any program I wouldn't want to try and mess with too much at once. It's difficult to sit on things while trying to view all sides of the puzzle. Really important to me though cause I sure don't want to mess myself up permanently. Tired of pushing thru while feeling like crap. It's my libido that pisses me off the most. My wife and I are in a really good spot. She's 30 and smoking and horny alot. That's really pushing me to do something about all this.
If you look around for coupons you can get prescription test for 45 from walgreens. Google is your friend.
I spoke with Todd yesterday. He let me know everything about their program. At this time, however, it isn't for me. Maybe in a couple years.

Thanks guys for comments and insight.