Hello, I was hoping to get some help regarding a cycle I've started. you can read 100 different forums and get 100 different suggestions so thought id post in hope of some help. I have recently started a dec/test short estr cycle, first dosage was 100/100. my plan was to take for 12 weeks and to peak at around 300-350mg of deca and test twice a week (weeks 4-8) then taper off, followed by post cycle. my question is regarding dosage? i have only experimented once before and the crashed off cycle due to unforeseen complications. it was horrible and never want to do that again, so taking the time to research and prepare. I'm 5'5 weigh around 135-140, not especially skinny but in ok shape. goal is to gain some size and lose body fat. any suggestions, critiques or input regarding dosage would be greatly appreciated. also any recommendations for PCT would also be nice
Thank you
Thank you