novice in need of help deca/test


New member
Hello, I was hoping to get some help regarding a cycle I've started. you can read 100 different forums and get 100 different suggestions so thought id post in hope of some help. I have recently started a dec/test short estr cycle, first dosage was 100/100. my plan was to take for 12 weeks and to peak at around 300-350mg of deca and test twice a week (weeks 4-8) then taper off, followed by post cycle. my question is regarding dosage? i have only experimented once before and the crashed off cycle due to unforeseen complications. it was horrible and never want to do that again, so taking the time to research and prepare. I'm 5'5 weigh around 135-140, not especially skinny but in ok shape. goal is to gain some size and lose body fat. any suggestions, critiques or input regarding dosage would be greatly appreciated. also any recommendations for PCT would also be nice
Thank you
ok.. lots of red flags here.. first, youre running two compounds on your first cycle.. thats a mistake.. second i dont see an ai.. what are you doing for estrogen?

third, youre 5'5 and 135.. that means you dont know how to eat to grow.. your nutrition is 80% of your goals.. steroids dont magically defy the laws of physics..

here, read this.. this will really get you up to date, its an article i wrote
Hello, I was hoping to get some help regarding a cycle I've started. you can read 100 different forums and get 100 different suggestions

actually , for a first cycle everyone and every forum is pretty consistent and says the same thing . run a Testosterone only cycle for a first cycle. you need to learn how your body reacts to aromatization and supra-physiolgical levels of test, before you start adding in other things
he first needs to get his nutrition on point.. OP i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section... check it out..

or, if youre looking for professional nutritional/training coaching email me at for more info..

here is my website 3J's Nutrition
actually , for a first cycle everyone and every forum is pretty consistent and says the same thing . run a Testosterone only cycle for a first cycle. you need to learn how your body reacts to aromatization and supra-physiolgical levels of test, before you start adding in other things
Please OP you need to learn much more. You are starting at a low dose ? then to taper off?? Huh? Listen that right there sends flags of the lack of education in regard to AAS.

what do you mean about 100/100 please layout your complete cycle by the weeks and the doses. Read and see how you outline a cycle. Where is your AI and blood work. Deca is a long ester. Which Test are you planning Test prop, cyp or Enanthate? YOu need to get this straightened out to continue. How old are you.
Hello, I was hoping to get some help regarding a cycle I've started.
any suggestions, critiques or input regarding dosage would be greatly appreciated. also any recommendations for PCT would also be nice
STOP YOUR CYCLE NOW. Don't go any further.

You don't start a cycle and make it up as you go along. You do research. Months of research BEFORE even buying anything. You create a solid plan. And have people on boards like this to critique it BEFORE ever starting.

After creating a solid plan you should have the confidence to stay the course and learn from it.

Sounds like to me you have no business using AAS at this point.
STOP YOUR CYCLE NOW. Don't go any further.

You don't start a cycle and make it up as you go along. You do research. Months of research BEFORE even buying anything. You create a solid plan. And have people on boards like this to critique it BEFORE ever starting.

After creating a solid plan you should have the confidence to stay the course and learn from it.

Sounds like to me you have no business using AAS at this point.

Man you put this so well...and so right on. OP where did you go we are here to help. If you want to cycle take heed to what we all said and ^^^^. Don't run off because you didn't get the answer you wanted. So you made a mistake, as dumb as it is we didn't bash you.

Now don't be stupid and reply back and lets get along with the teaching and learning...OK ! :)
lol, tough love i guess, but thankful. ok, so not my first cycle, nor do i think this will defy the laws of physics. Im 29, in good shape, eat clean but have hit a plateau, im sure there are alternatives but i choose to go this route and assumed i wouldn't catch some much grief here. I have somewhat of a mentor and have actually been reading quite a bit on cycles. as far as a "ai", im not taking any but see that is a mistake now, i was advised to start taking hcg last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle and continue to take after pct. I am only one dosage in so i will stop until i have a plan that isn't ripped apart on these forums. my original plan was to run 100mg deca paired with 150mg test twice a week for weeks 1-2. 200mg deca/250mg test twice a week for weeks 3-4. 300mg-350mg deca twice a week (based on results)/ 350-400mg test twice a week for weeks 5-8,....200mg deca/250mg test twice a week for weeks 9-10. and 100mg deca/150mg test and start pct at week 8 and continue to take after. im combining with fish oil, bcca, milk thistle, glucosamine and a multivitamin but nothing else. Ok have at it....
Don't run HCG through your pct and afterwards . it will convert to estrogen and will be suppressive after you pct.

there is absolutely zero reason to start with a low dosage of deca and then start tapering it up week after week . Decaoanate ester is extremely slow and it takes up to 8 weeks to kick in . Your better off starting with the highest dosage at the beginning. just pick the dose you want to run , e.g., 500mg per week , and just stick with that for 14 weeks. Deca is NOT a compound that is tapered for any reason. NPP (fast acting deca) can be tapered* , but not deca (decaonate)

* I personally only taper with super fast acting compounds , orals like Dbol that are in and out of your system in 4 hours. deca is in your system for months , thats a huge difference man
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my man, youre 5'5 and 135lbs.. you haven't hit a plateau.. your nutrition is not on point.. ill add 1.5lbs a week on you naturally... but dont listen to me, its not like i do this for a living or something :D

good luck!
lol, tough love i guess, but thankful. ok, so not my first cycle, nor do i think this will defy the laws of physics. Im 29, in good shape, eat clean but have hit a plateau, im sure there are alternatives but i choose to go this route and assumed i wouldn't catch some much grief here. I have somewhat of a mentor and have actually been reading quite a bit on cycles. as far as a "ai", im not taking any but see that is a mistake now, i was advised to start taking hcg last 4 weeks of my 12 week cycle and continue to take after pct. I am only one dosage in so i will stop until i have a plan that isn't ripped apart on these forums. my original plan was to run 100mg deca paired with 150mg test twice a week for weeks 1-2. 200mg deca/250mg test twice a week for weeks 3-4. 300mg-350mg deca twice a week (based on results)/ 350-400mg test twice a week for weeks 5-8,....200mg deca/250mg test twice a week for weeks 9-10. and 100mg deca/150mg test and start pct at week 8 and continue to take after. im combining with fish oil, bcca, milk thistle, glucosamine and a multivitamin but nothing else. Ok have at it....
Our intention isn't to be harsh. We're trying to stop a train wreck. Since you mentioned your only pinning your gear twice a week, I'm under the assumption it is not short ester gear. Tapering is kinda pointless. Especially the way you outlined your plan and with the gear being used. You really don't have much if anything planned out well. Read thru the stickys. The ology faq's thread is a good read. You gotta get your ducks in a row bud...