Novice user, needing some advice!


New member
Okay guys, so this is my second go around involving anabolics. My first was 10 weeks ago, it was an 8 week cycle of test E and tren A. dosed at 1gram of test a week, and 800 of tren a week. After that cycle was over I began a cruise of simply test E at 300 a week to try and keep as much muscle as possible.
I just started my second cycle which includes, test E at 1200 a week, tren e at 1gram a week, EQ at 400 a week, and winstrol at 50 MG a day.
I am looking at cutting up, I am sitting around 12% bf, and wanting to get at 5%.
yes, my diet is spot on. my macros are at
doing carb cycling, ex Monday, 50 grams of carbs less, Tuesday 100 less, Wednesday 150 less, Thursday 200 less, and Friday no carbs minus my greens and condiments. Saturday is a reefed day of 400 carbs and slightly less protein and 30 less fats than normal. I do cardio E/O day, stair stepper or elliptical for 20 minutes, or how ever long it takes to burn 350 calories. HIIT cardio is very hard, because my cardio has completely depleted since tren has began, which I know is normal
what are some other compounds, or any information would you all recommend me? any information would be appreciated!
also, I am 20 YO and have been weight training hardcore for 2 years now,
yes. it was my first cycle, I listened to a few people at the local area, who I thought had knowledge on what to do, and how to do it. apparently they were not as knowledgeable as I assumed..
Wow you need to go ready all the beginner stuff and all the stickies you have made some super poor choices my friend hope you can fix them before they do something worse to you
I hope for your sake your gear was fake. 20yr old has no business using that much gear. U still live at home???
the only side affects I have encountered have been insomnia, night sweats, slight aggravation, and some acne. all of which I had prior to any usage, they have just been enhanced.
No, I do not live at home. I am currently working two jobs, taking online nutrition science, and personal training courses, while living in an apartment.
the reason I came to this forum is to find out exactly what is right for a competitive bodybuilder to run. I am currently in a mock prep for 22 weeks to see how long of a cut I need to do, also what my body reacts too. also I am a powerlifter competing in my second meet in September looking at around a 1500 total weighing in at 198.
so any information involving compounds, personal experience, anything would be greatly appreciated because I do not have the resources around me to ask personally.
Yeah goodluck with that op I am not sure how many people are going to help someone they consider doing something wreckless at your age the amount of gear you are using your just going to have to keep upping the dose and sooner than later when you go see a doctor and you will have a world of problems you didn't even realize for someone thats in school you dont seem very smart in your choices goodluck with what you think your doing right and may you see the light soon before its too late
I'm not helping a novice who chooses to pretty much start with a gram of tren ace. Wtf? Il help by saying go educate yourself. You could cut your doses in half and have monster results. As ridiculous a dosage you wrote for each you don't even mention the use of an AI or PCT. Or what about hcg? Or caber with that much 19 nor. This must be a troll.....