Hope I'm not bogarting the thread, but I too have a question regarding Npp. I'm also on trt @200mg's a week & I've run a few other compounds while on trt...tren hex..tren e & deca on a couple occasions. Halfwit, you mentioned when you blast Npp you usually run it 600-800mgs a week. Did you break it down eod or something like Every 3 days? & how much did you up your test? I'm thinking I'd run 600mgs test cyp (inject mon & Fri) or can I run less test & let the Npp do the bulk of the work....... will run Npp 200mgs m.w.f for a total of 600mgs for a total of 8 weeks.......I keep a close eye on my e2, will use adex as needed to keep it in 30- 40ish range& have pharm grade caber & take a daily dose of cialis 5mg daily.
Again hope I'm not jacking the thread, just curious as to dosage & pin frequency
I'm leery posting my doses because I don't want folks thinking it's safe to jump on what I can and be okay. I always start low and work my way up as I become comfortable.
I really vary things around based on what I'm doing, but in this case I'm trying to power through the rest of this recomp and head into a clean bulk. I haven't decided when I'm going to end things as I still have a good 28 weeks or so until I pull labs for my doc. I'm running my deca a little lower this time as I'm running multiple compounds, but I may end up bumping it higher as things progress.
I'm currently at 1100mg/wk test enanthate, 300mg deca, 600mg tren enanthate, 600mg masteron enanthate, and running superdrol at 20mg ED as I learned the hard way the SD I have is potent shit and 40mg tore my ass up after a week lol. I pin M-W-F and take my HCG on Mon/Fri at 250iu each and letro at 360mcg on pin days. I'm also taking 75mcg of T3 and 50mg of ephedrine combined with a baby aspirin and around 600mg of caffeine.
The reasoning behind the doses and compound choices is that I'm looking to keep my joints happy, benefit from the nutrient partitioning of tren, and take advantage of the androgenic properties of masteron/superdrol (methylated masteron) while in a caloric deficit. Once I achieve this stubborn ass goal, I may bump the deca up along with calories and see where it takes me. It will be a welcome change from all the damn stimulants, that's for sure.
For a simple test/NPP blast, it's really up to the individual as to how they want to approach things. If you're willing to be judicious with testing and controlling estradiol, high test and a good dose of nandrolone are fantastic. I've done 750mg test with 600mg of deca a few times and really enjoyed it. However, if estradiol management is lacking, try lower test and higher deca. Just be sure to have prami/caber on hand just in case. I always have a bottle in my fridge next to my cialis as a precaution.
Hope that answers some questions.
*Note: Please do not attempt to repeat the above cycle if new to AAS. It has taken me a long time to understand how all this works in my body and how to play nice with others if things get ugly.