NPP advice and experience wanted


New member
I'm looking into trying something new. I'm looking for strength gain and some solid muscle growth.

I've done many cycles in the past but never used npp. Any first hand advice and experiences would be great.
Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %?

What are some of the past cycles you have run? Have you used Deca (another form of Nandrolone)?
36, 6ft, 237lbs. 242 weight class. Most of my competing was done at 275

I don't have time to write all my former cycles. I'm a former powerlifting world record holder. I used your be here at this site under another name and was pretty much a moderator.


Those things work well for me. Tren does not agree with me. Not a fan of high toxicity orals either.

Current cycle I just ended was 1g test, eq and primo
Nandrolone is a lot of guys favorite. It gives you slow, solid gains. One of the things people really like is that it "lubricates" your joints by increasing synovial fluid. Given your history I am guessing you have a few joints that probably hurt. Over time it can also increase collagen synthesis although how much is disputed.

Many guys like to run a therapeutic dosage of Deca (around 200mg/week) while cruising.

I would describe nandrolone as being higher on that anabolic scale but lower on the androgenic scale. It is subtle when you are on it.

Since it is a 19nor you have to be careful of Prolactin. Controlling estradiol while on it is paramount. It does aromatize, but at a lower rate than testoaterone. It is very important to have a dopamine agonist (cabergoline or pramipexole) on hand while running it in case your Prolactin becomes elevated. Pushing rope when that special time comes with your girl is not much fun.

Watch your kidneys while on it too. It will make your urine turn brownish in color which is a little eerie.

Maybe Halfwit will stop by and give his two cents. He love nandrolone and has used it a lot.
I'm Currently running NPP

Reason being is that I didn't want to wait 8 weeks for the nandrolone in deca to kick in.. So I'm using NPP to front load and along with the deca and get the nandolone going much quicker, as NPP has a propionate ester.
I should feel it kick in much sooner.

Also NPP is a good choice to start with nandrolone instead of deca, due to it's short ester if you had issues with it it will clear your system fast,, not 28+ days like deca
Besides tren...nandrolone, particularly NPP, is the nectar of the gods. Combine it with masteron, and the results are tren-like with much less side effects.
I like masteron. I've used it with low dose test while cruising. It really makes you tight and keeps you feeling virile.
I'm looking into trying something new. I'm looking for strength gain and some solid muscle growth.

I've done many cycles in the past but never used npp. Any first hand advice and experiences would be great.

NPP/deca have become a must for me as I too have a history in powerlifting and definitely feel my age creeping up on me. Nandrolone is one of the few compounds that has multiple uses and acts differently based on dose in my experience.

I do run it year-round with my TRT at 200mg/wk as Mega stated above. Keeps my knees from barking at me, and my elbows seldom complain at that dose. I get zero sides and all the benefits at this therapeutic dose.

When I blast, I often run it at 600-800mg/wk as it works really well with testosterone by keeping joint pain down and it is a great anabolic agent. As it is more anabolic than test, you can reduce testosterone volume if you start finding that syringe getting too full on pin day. As long as you keep estradiol in check, you should be fine - but as mentioned above, "deca dick" is real and caused by prolactin creeping up on an estradiol stepladder. Prami/caber will help if this happens, or you're just sensitive to progestins. I personally like high test, but it's not necessary, and also makes managing E2 easier.

What about tren did you dislike aside from toxicity? Tren and nandrolone are basically cousins, so if you got really bad sides, I'd start lower on the NPP to get a feel for it.

My .02c :)
I am currently on NPP week 2. By the end of this week I should feel its effects and I will keep you posted on what it's like. I have heard really great things about nandrolone. Not a tren fan myself, but I hear for mass building and strength, nandrolone is pretty much on par.

I'm running 500mg test e and 525mg NPP a week. Made sure for test to kick in before I started NPP
Hope I'm not bogarting the thread, but I too have a question regarding Npp. I'm also on trt @200mg's a week & I've run a few other compounds while on trt...tren hex..tren e & deca on a couple occasions. Halfwit, you mentioned when you blast Npp you usually run it 600-800mgs a week. Did you break it down eod or something like Every 3 days? & how much did you up your test? I'm thinking I'd run 600mgs test cyp (inject mon & Fri) or can I run less test & let the Npp do the bulk of the work....... will run Npp 200mgs m.w.f for a total of 600mgs for a total of 8 weeks.......I keep a close eye on my e2, will use adex as needed to keep it in 30- 40ish range& have pharm grade caber & take a daily dose of cialis 5mg daily.
Again hope I'm not jacking the thread, just curious as to dosage & pin frequency
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Hope I'm not bogarting the thread, but I too have a question regarding Npp. I'm also on trt @200mg's a week & I've run a few other compounds while on trt...tren hex..tren e & deca on a couple occasions. Halfwit, you mentioned when you blast Npp you usually run it 600-800mgs a week. Did you break it down eod or something like Every 3 days? & how much did you up your test? I'm thinking I'd run 600 test cyp (inject mon & Fri) or can I run less test & let the Npp do the bulk of the work....... will run 200mgs m.w.f for a total of 600mgs for a total of 8 weeks.......I keep a close eye on my e2, will use adex as needed to keep it in 30- 40ish range& have pharm grade caber & take a daily dose of cialis 5mg daily.
Again hope I'm not jacking the thread, just curious as to dosage & pin frequency

Old school thought was to always run test higher then your nandrolone , to avoid deca dick,, well new school thought and fact, is just to keep e2 and prolactin in check and you'll be fine running low dose of test high dose of deca/NPP ..
I'm on trt as well

Currently running 400 mg of test
700 mg of nandrolone (400 deca and 300 mg npp)
Old school thought was to always run test higher then your nandrolone , to avoid deca dick,, well new school thought and fact, is just to keep e2 and prolactin in check and you'll be fine running low dose of test high dose of deca/NPP ..
I'm on trt as well

Currently running 400 mg of test
700 mg of nandrolone (400 deca and 300 mg npp)[/QUOTE
Thanks for the quick response, I've done the lower test/tren method & it worked out well wasn't sure if the same adage applied to deca/Npp since they both suppress your test. Again, thanks for getting back at me quickly
Old school thought was to always run test higher then your nandrolone , to avoid deca dick,, well new school thought and fact, is just to keep e2 and prolactin in check and you'll be fine running low dose of test high dose of deca/NPP ..
I'm on trt as well

Currently running 400 mg of test
700 mg of nandrolone (400 deca and 300 mg npp)[/QUOTE
Thanks for the quick response, I've done the lower test/tren method & it worked out well wasn't sure if the same adage applied to deca/Npp since they both suppress your test. Again, thanks for getting back at me quickly

Test and tren are very suppressive as well. Not just nandrolone.
Hope I'm not bogarting the thread, but I too have a question regarding Npp. I'm also on trt @200mg's a week & I've run a few other compounds while on trt...tren hex..tren e & deca on a couple occasions. Halfwit, you mentioned when you blast Npp you usually run it 600-800mgs a week. Did you break it down eod or something like Every 3 days? & how much did you up your test? I'm thinking I'd run 600mgs test cyp (inject mon & Fri) or can I run less test & let the Npp do the bulk of the work....... will run Npp 200mgs m.w.f for a total of 600mgs for a total of 8 weeks.......I keep a close eye on my e2, will use adex as needed to keep it in 30- 40ish range& have pharm grade caber & take a daily dose of cialis 5mg daily.
Again hope I'm not jacking the thread, just curious as to dosage & pin frequency

I'm leery posting my doses because I don't want folks thinking it's safe to jump on what I can and be okay. I always start low and work my way up as I become comfortable.

I really vary things around based on what I'm doing, but in this case I'm trying to power through the rest of this recomp and head into a clean bulk. I haven't decided when I'm going to end things as I still have a good 28 weeks or so until I pull labs for my doc. I'm running my deca a little lower this time as I'm running multiple compounds, but I may end up bumping it higher as things progress.

I'm currently at 1100mg/wk test enanthate, 300mg deca, 600mg tren enanthate, 600mg masteron enanthate, and running superdrol at 20mg ED as I learned the hard way the SD I have is potent shit and 40mg tore my ass up after a week lol. I pin M-W-F and take my HCG on Mon/Fri at 250iu each and letro at 360mcg on pin days. I'm also taking 75mcg of T3 and 50mg of ephedrine combined with a baby aspirin and around 600mg of caffeine.

The reasoning behind the doses and compound choices is that I'm looking to keep my joints happy, benefit from the nutrient partitioning of tren, and take advantage of the androgenic properties of masteron/superdrol (methylated masteron) while in a caloric deficit. Once I achieve this stubborn ass goal, I may bump the deca up along with calories and see where it takes me. It will be a welcome change from all the damn stimulants, that's for sure.

For a simple test/NPP blast, it's really up to the individual as to how they want to approach things. If you're willing to be judicious with testing and controlling estradiol, high test and a good dose of nandrolone are fantastic. I've done 750mg test with 600mg of deca a few times and really enjoyed it. However, if estradiol management is lacking, try lower test and higher deca. Just be sure to have prami/caber on hand just in case. I always have a bottle in my fridge next to my cialis as a precaution.

Hope that answers some questions. :)

*Note: Please do not attempt to repeat the above cycle if new to AAS. It has taken me a long time to understand how all this works in my body and how to play nice with others if things get ugly.
I have really enjoyed my NPP cycle thus far. I'm using test e 500mg weekly and NPP 400mg weekly. I started the test 4 weeks before the NPP to ensure test was kicked in. I have maintained lean gains with very little water retention, so I'm liking the compound in that manner for sure. I haven't had to use my prami yet and all sides have been kept to a minimal. So all in all my first go round has been good with NPP. I did however get acne for a while and just dialed in my injection frequency and have since cut the acne down considerably. Lastly after about 2-3 weeks in I did notice a big relief in my tennis elbo and other joint pain, so it does it's job in that department! So big thumbs up to NPP.
What about tren did you dislike aside from toxicity? Tren and nandrolone are basically cousins, so if you got really bad sides, I'd start lower on the NPP to get a feel for it.

My .02c :)

I think I ran too high of a dose but the sides I got were my skin breaking out, night sweats, blood sugar levels at times seemed off, sexual side effects.
I think I ran too high of a dose but the sides I got were my skin breaking out, night sweats, blood sugar levels at times seemed off, sexual side effects.

NPP will be easier on you for sure, but sexual problems tend to come from bad E2 control. This is something that both NPP and tren share. Just be sure to check estradiol 4 weeks in and adjust your AI accordingly. This applies to all AAS really, but the 19-nors can really make a mess of things.