Oh baby!! Two Exciting Studies going to be done pitting Androxal(Clomid) Against Test

Black Beard

@ X450 Gravity
Androxal, the new and improved clomid for men.(Currently in development) Versus Testosterone(Androgel :( )

Repros Initiates Two Head to Head Studies of Androxal(R) Versus the Leading Topical Testosterone Gel (NASDAQ:RPRX)

Theoritically Androxal should be just as effective as clomid, with none of the side effects. This will be a boon to PCT science. Very exciting :agreed:

Clomid is comprised of two molecules. Enclomiphene and zuclomiphene. Enclomiphene is an estrogen antagonist(blocker), this is the desirable part of clomid. Zuclomiphene is an estrogen agonist(activator) this gives us those nasty, weepy sides. Androxal is going to be an Enclomiphene only formulation. The thing is, Enclomiphene has a much shorter half life than Zuclomiphene. So we will see how this stuff really works in the coming months/years that it takes to develop this and get it approved by the FDA.
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I remember reading about this a few years ago, Androxal is certainly an attractive treatment.

Unfortunately, the company doing the studies has a terrible track record to say the least. Repros has been a public company since 1987 and has pretty much nothing to show for it - just a line of failures. This is probably the reason the FDA has been giving them alot of attention.
I heard about this drug being in development a few months back. Haven't read these studies, but all I know is that I'm excited about this drug coming out. Although Clomid worked well in achieving stable, normal-high test levels (~800), the side effects were terrible. I felt like utter shit the whole time on Clomid; very similar to before I started any trt therapy. I was extremely surprised when my testosterone levels came back at 791 since I had the same symptoms as when I was tested at 300. I may give this drug a chance when it comes out, even though I'm on testosterone injections now. The absence of the Zuclomiphene molecule intrigues me as I'm fairly sure my sides on Clomid were caused by it's estrogenic effects.

Thanks for the update on the drug OP!
No problem medhead. I was just talking about this to dre and some other guys on a different thread. Some people get awesome results from clomiphene monotherapy in terms of a test boost, but the mental and physical effects of said boost is lacking for most people. Just like you said, you got your level up but you felt like shit. So my theory is that the estrogen effect is interfering with the testosterone. (Derp :D )