OK......Here's my final spring cutter!!!

well....I must have been really fucked up when I did all the math for this cycle.... I found out that I have enough prop to run for 11.5 weeks...so I'm gonna use it for 10 weeks...(I gotta calculate for some loss) here's the final cycle....

weeks 1-6 enanthate @250mgs/wk....with a 500mg frontload
weeks 1-12 tren @75mgs/ED
weeks 2-12 prop @50mgs/ED
weeks 6-12 winny@50mgs/ED
60 days of t3 and NYC just like above.
weeks 1-12 l'dex @.5mgs/ED
HCG mid and post cycle for 7 days each
Extended Clomid Therapy (300-1 150-3 100-12 50-12)