OK......Here's my final spring cutter!!!


New member
***I also posted this in the "my cycle" forum...but I wanted to get some views on it from here since this forum is much more active.***

alright boys.....here we go. This is my second cycle....it's a cutter.

I have done one cycle prior to this....(a bulker)....of Enanthate/EQ/D-bol/Prop

I gained a little too much fat post cycle cause I kept eating the same with no cardio and such.

so here goes.......

Stats: 5'11 207 lbs 17% bf
Goals: " 195 lbs 10% bf

16 weeks overall:

weeks 1-6 Enanthate 250mgs/wk
weeks 1-6 Trenbolone 75mgs/ED
weeks 7-12 Propionate 50mgs/ED
weeks 7-12 Winstrol 50mgs/ED (oral)
weeks 1-16 T-3 12.5 mcgs/ED
weeks 1-16 NYC 1 tab/ED
weeks 1-12 Anastrozole .5mgs/ED
3 days after last prop shot and winny.......Clomid Therapy and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (with Nolva)

regular supps.....
milk thistle
fish oil
glucos. and chond.
ginger root

I'll be doing a lot of heavy cardio....along with weight training.

my goals may be stretching it a bit...but I think if I really concentrate hard on cardio and diet....I can do it.

What do you guys think?
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So your going from 250mgs/ of Enan week, to 350mgs of prop?

Second, i have never saw t-3 done that way, i would rethink that t-3 a drug that you need to study before you do it. It should be ramped up then back down slow. But maybe with that dose it would be ok, i would ask some mods about that.

3rd, One tab of NYC a day? What do you think that will do?

Are you gonna be taking the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with the clomid? If so i would also research that, you shouyld do the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before the clomid. and in the middle of the cycle, Not during clomid.

But the test/fina/winny stack is kickass, you could really cut uop with that.

good luyck bro
clee said:
So your going from 250mgs/ of Enan week, to 350mgs of prop?

Second, i have never saw t-3 done that way, i would rethink that t-3 a drug that you need to study before you do it. It should be ramped up then back down slow. But maybe with that dose it would be ok, i would ask some mods about that.

3rd, One tab of NYC a day? What do you think that will do?

Are you gonna be taking the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with the clomid? If so i would also research that, you shouyld do the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before the clomid. and in the middle of the cycle, Not during clomid.

But the test/fina/winny stack is kickass, you could really cut uop with that.

good luyck bro

Yes...I'm going from 250 mgs enanthate to 350 mgs prop.

with the T-3 I'm doing it at 12.5 mcgs because it is a non suppressive dose, I have done research on it...and I know that I don't want to suppress my thyroid....especially since I'm on it for 16 weeks.

yes, one tab of NYC a day......it has 25 mgs Norephedrine -- 2.75 mgs Yohimbine -- 90 mgs caffeine.... I want to keep the dosage low seeing as I'm taking t3 and the rest of the drugs.

yes....I'm doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the middle of the cycle and at the end...before the clomid.

I'm really happy with this cycle....it's not too much....and I think I can make really good progress with it.
IM also in NYC but i odnt think 1 tab a day would do anythign for me. You should maybe talk to Texas Guns over at elite about your t3, im not a expert but 16 weeks. DAMN I would still think about tapering it down slow. But im no t3 expert, i have only did it one time. And you might wanna talk to LAWNSAVER or read some of his post about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). he's doing 500ius every sat nad sunday (which ill also be doing), he says "Taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post cycle will only prolong recovery and suppress your HPTA even more!"
id up the eth to at least 400mg, 250 is not raising ur natty test enough IMO
i think your cycle would work with a good diet ofcourse ,maybe a little more test will help to.even with doing the fina and Winstrol (winny) eod i guarantee youll feel the pumps and solidness.dont know nothing about t-3.02

i'd run prop the whole way through bro, 50mg/ed... just load it with the fina. The enanth won't kick in noticeably until week 3-4, and by that time the fina will have shut you down without any good amount of test flowing. All else looks good... at 12.5mcg/day you should be fine bro. That won't do much for your fat burning goals, but it will help with protein metabolism/synthesis.

Definitely up the NYC bro. 1 tab is not going to yield any significant rise in metabolism and neither is the t3. I would throw some clen in there or eca's also.

You'll be much happier with 350mg/prop/week than the 250 of enanth.

You have to think that you want to have some test working for you in conjunction with the fina (synergy). The enanth just won't cut it.JMO
16 weeks overall:

weeks 1-6 Enanthate 500mgs/wk
weeks 5-12Trenbolone 75mgs/ED
weeks 7-12 Propionate 50mgs/ED
weeks 7-12 Winstrol 50mgs/ED (oral)
weeks 1-16 NYC 3-4 tab/ED
weeks 1-12 Anastrozole .5mgs/ED

weeks 1-4 10-20mg Halo or 40mg Var

I upped the test, put the tren in the end. Another option, if your looking to just add more or improve would be wks1-10 400-600mg EQ. NYC at 1 tab a day wont do much.

Now..the T3. 12.5mcg isnt going to do much, if anything at all. It will have about the same effect as suppressing your thyroid as 100mcg works. It doesnt work the same as HTPA. It doesnt really get shut down ever. It will slow, but it will bounce back. 12.5mcg will slow it down, any exengonous will. You may as well take the benefit from it.

Run it at least 50mcg or pyrimid up say to 100mcg and then down to 25 and continue running it at that. Supplement some T4 at the end and it will help your nautral procuction of T3 out.

Pyramid example

Day 1,2 25
Day 3,4 50
Day 5,6 75
Day 7,8 100
Day 9-20 100
Day 20-29 75
Day 30-39 50
Day 40-end 25

In the end, supplement 50mcg T4.

Thats what I do, works great.

I would definately switch the ala for r-ala, as more level insulin levels are much desired on a cutting cycle.
rj420 said:
i'd run prop the whole way through bro, 50mg/ed... just load it with the fina. The enanth won't kick in noticeably until week 3-4, and by that time the fina will have shut you down without any good amount of test flowing. All else looks good... at 12.5mcg/day you should be fine bro. That won't do much for your fat burning goals, but it will help with protein metabolism/synthesis.

Definitely up the NYC bro. 1 tab is not going to yield any significant rise in metabolism and neither is the t3. I would throw some clen in there or eca's also.

You'll be much happier with 350mg/prop/week than the 250 of enanth.

You have to think that you want to have some test working for you in conjunction with the fina (synergy). The enanth just won't cut it.JMO

Good reply bro....and I tend to agree. So I will just say DITTO ;)
thanx for the reply's guys........

I think I will pyramid the t3 and up the NYC to 2 tabs a day....

I'm splitting up the two diff tests because I only have enough prop for 50 days...(a little over six weeks) at 50 mgs/ED....

I'm really only running the enanthate for libido purposes. I'll frontload it at 500 mgs to get my test levels up quicker.

and yes....I am gonna be taking r-ALA....I was just rushing through that part.
ok....I've got it....

I'll run the t3 as such.....:

I only have 100 tabs of cynomel.....and also, if I were to go up to 100 mcgs a day...it would pretty much plateau out at that dose....so I'm gonna stop at 75 mcgs.

here it is...

days 1-5 25mcgs
days 6-10 50mcgs
days 11-30 75mcgs
days 31-35 50mcgs
days 36-40 25mcgs
days 41-60 12.5mcgs (for recovering)

also....I re-did the math...and I found out that I have enough tren at 75 mgs to run all 12 weeks....so my cycle will be:

weeks 1-6 250mgs/wk with a 500mg frontload
weeks 1-12 75mgs/ED tren
weeks 7-12 50mgs/ED prop
weeks 7-12 50mgs/ED winny
weeks 1-8.5 t3 as mentioned above. and NYC...2 tabs/ED.

now is that better guys???
that looks much better. this is your first time on tren and runnong it for 12 weeks? im prouud of ya, you will love the shit bro. you might want to try some clen, cycle between that and NYC, 2 weeks of each, you might get better effects.
looks alot better, i did prop/fina for 10 weeks and it was awesome, you will love the tren. good luck keep us updated.
even if ya could toss a little prop in for the first two weeks that would help a lot too. If you can pick up another small bottle that would be perfect.... either or you are gonna like the results of that stack.
well...it'll be homebrew prop and I only have I think 4 grams of powder....but hey...it's cool.

Thanx for the help guys...I appreciate it