OK, I'm dumb...tren ques

jynx said:
LMAO. I do get a bit nervous when dealing with stuff for the first time. So I'll just get a Universal Kit which says it makes 2G @ 100mg/ml and I will get myself a cart of fina. I'll post pics of it when I'm done here if I can. :)

It is only because your mind is telling you it should be harder. It is really kind of eye opening how easy it is. But don't get sloppy, play it all out in your mind, go through a dry run, don't panic and go slow.

I just noticed this thread now, but don't ever ask how to get products that you plan on doing illegal things with.
Illegal? I'm sorry, but I forgot to tell you I'm doing a bit of research on finaplix... ;)

I know what you mean about how the mind makes it seem harder. My first injection took me 30 minutes to just load the syringe. I was sweatin bullets by the time it came to actually inject.
Research done with finaplix and a conversion kit is about as illegal is it gets. Possession, clandestine labratory, whole bunch of shit they could slap you in the face with.
Ok, everything is ordered. It's coming in on Saturday. One last question though, do I have the vent the finsihed vial with a needle when baking in the oven? I'm guesing I should, but not sure if I need to. Don't wanna waste a needle. :) I'll post pics when I'm done with it.
follow directions, everything is posted already. Just take your time and dont fuck up. Also when heating make sure to check up on it. Someone last week fucked up thier batch of fina by heating it and forgeting about it.
Well my fina pellet source is out of stock so I have to wait a few more days for it. The kit is in, it's a 2G Universal 100mg/ml kit. They told me either Wednesday or Thursday for the pellets, but I just can't wait!
YAYYYY, I finsihed the first part of it last night. Now it's in hiding. :)

It looks pretty clear already and not too dark. I'm surprised as I wasn't even nervous when I was doing it. Thanks for all the help guys. I'm gonna finish it up tonight.
Finished it. Looks amazing IMO, at least for my first one it is. Not too dark either. However when I swirl it around it seems as if I can see "streaks" of oil floating around, is this normal? They go away after a couple minutes.

Also the 18g I used to fill the bottle left a little hole in the rubber top, will it leak when draing from it when flipped upside down?
Which question was that an answer to? :D

However when I swirl it around it seems as if I can see "streaks" of oil floating around, is this normal? They go away after a couple minutes.


Also the 18g I used to fill the bottle left a little hole in the rubber top, will it leak when draing from it when flipped upside down?

Ok. I just treid flipping it after I got what pb was saying and he's right it isn't leaking. It just looks as if it would.

I'll post pics as soon as I get access to a camera. It's very clear and pure except for two little chunks of rubber from the top, but they are on the bottom so it still looks perty. :)