ok, ok, the last before and after pic of my 5 months of trying


New member
I posted a couple midway result pics, I am half way to where I want to be, but was just happy the way I looked today, I am still sitting at 217, from 240, but, I have built some nice mass in better spots than my hips. anyway, comming off a test/deca as my main base of the cycle with varying ancillaries ( proviron, clen)
typcal adex. Like I said, I am half as muscular and half as in shape as my goal is.

before around christmas time? View attachment 562058

today View attachment 562059
nice work man!!

you know if I had your help, I would have hit my goal by now !!:) I would have asked for your help, but Im a single Dad and its just hectic and hard to even get workouts in. I try to eat before I cook her dinner or breakfast, but, I am a fatmutherfuker at heart!!! I guess you could say I am weak, BUT I only have pizza once every 2 months or so compared to nightly :) Anyway, thanks again 3J
See and guys always say that bigger guys shouldn't start until they get body fat down.. Looks like you did just fine with diet and working out on cycle....
thanks all, I know i have a far far way to go towards some of the serious people on the board, but, I just want to get to 200 and still build more mass, just not in my ass.