Old Man Test Cycle with Maybe Var


New member
I'm just over 40, and in relatively good shape. 5'11" 185lbs about 10.5%BF I've been training off and on for the past 20+ years. My only medical issues are occasional asthma and my joints are really achy. I noticed about 2 years ago it was nearly impossible to maintain strength, build muscle and stamina was at an all time low. Additionally I was in a permanent brain fog with crap self esteem. I have since been on TRT, originally overseen by a doctor until I realized was a financial scam it was. Then I started self administering. My TRT regimen was about 150mg a week with the doc, about 200-220mg when I do it. Dosages vary because I pin every other day, to prevent the hormone roller coaster. I'm also an .25 of AI ED. About 5 weeks ago I started dosing at 100mg EOD which is effectively about 300-400mg a week on average. I have seen tremendous results while on just test alone, as one would surely expect. I was considering adding Var to the cycle for the remaining 5 weeks at 40-50mg a day (still trying to determine dosage).

My girlfriend has recently raised some concerns with Kimbo recently in the news. So my question is how safe are these dosages for someone at my age. I know everyone responds differently. I also realize that the UG Var I have could very well be some variant of Winny in disguise since my tablets are unmarked and not in a blister pack. I know my body responds great to test, but i'm bit worried about the orals since they are new to me.

Is the water safe to swim in?
40 old? Nah, that's medium aged.

I think you're going to find that 400mg per week is not sustainable over the long term. Sooner or later something will force you to back down from that dosage.

I'm a big believer (for TRT) in finding the maximum sustainable dosage and sticking with it.