Olympia Bound????

Jello Biafra

New member
I took this from another board that I will say at a later time. If you've already seen this post, then don't say anything please.

This dude posted a picture of his arm and said he could be in the Top 6 at the Olympia. What do you think?
His arm looks good -- I wish mine looked like that -- but top6 at the Olympia. . . I don't think so.
well I don't know man...the O isn't judged by arms but looking by just his arm I don't think he would stand a chance.
That's what I was saying, but this guy kept talking shit. He said he had better arms than Lee Preist and all other Olympia competitors.
Un believable.... Is this guy for real......Why in the world would somebody want to pass off a photo like that to try and impress people he never even met....Seems stupid to me....

And then to get busted doing it........LOL..
Ya know I noticed reading this month issue of M&F that he didnt look nearly as good as I would have expected, he was really small compated to Ronnie. I bet after the arnold , Ronnie got fired up and hit it hard
CaptainAwesome said:
pretty funny seeing all the shit they were talking about him

Without seeing the rest it really dosn't look like all that, compared to Levrone etc :D
I'm gald I did not coment,( I was very close to ripped this guy appart) It would of made me feel like an ass since jay is my town hero he he ..
good post, that defenaly proof your point
if i post a pic of my penis, will you guys judge if i can be the new Rocco Siffredi ?
LOL.....funny post :D
This is a shitty pic to judge by. There is nothing in the background and/or foreground that will help gauge how big his arm really is.

I don't think Jay is known for his arms anyways. Now if you posted a pic of his quads, you'll get a better response.
rpwhit777 said:
Un believable.... Is this guy for real......Why in the world would somebody want to pass off a photo like that to try and impress people he never even met....Seems stupid to me....

And then to get busted doing it........LOL..

chauncy55 said:
He wasnt trying to impress people. He made all the people that said the arm sucked look like total asses.

KInda like I do now...........LOL....