On cycle of test and anavar can I lift in the morning and do bjj at night?


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Can I train bjj while on cycle and lifting??
Planning to take test 10 weeks coupled with anavar for the last 6 weeks. It's my first cycle, I'm doing it to help recover from an accident that put me out of heavy activities for 6 months. I've been reading the newbie threads and doing the research on proper pct. I know I should just do test but wanted to add something to help my joints as well, would have done deca but I'm worried of side effects because I'm not certain I can get ai and stuff for hair loss, plus don't wanna get too big to fast I might get hurt in bjj not being accustomed to the weight.
That's great you're doing your research... but I would still stick with only test on this cycle.

For the joints - go out and buy some "Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength"

My pharmacist recommended this when I was having problems with my elbow's and shoulders from lifting.

I noticed a difference within the first week - I HIGHLY recommend it, and you can find it at CVS or Walgreens
on sale as a buy 1 get 1 free - I think CVS runs the sale every other week.

The BEST reason for only running testosterone is this.. so you know how effective each items is, and how it's actually working for you... or not working
as good as you might think it is.

Once you have an understanding of how your body responds to testosterone... you can add one more item.

Now you're able to compare how effective the second item is.

Soon enough, you'll be able to put together your Frankenstein cycles and have it down to a science as you keep on doing
your research.
Thanks for the response repo. I've been on bi flex for years. It's great but I broken my radius bone fractured my elbow, pinky finger and wrist, dislocated the wrist and my index finger practically broke off. The injuries compound the damage to my wrist and elbow with out something to increase strength and rebuild the joint to avoid arthritis. That why I was so keen on the anavar to add strength to pull though the scar tissue before it fully develops.
Tbonexl I really want to but I'm just worried the person I'm getting it from might not be able to get it.
Tbonexl I really want to but I'm just worried the person I'm getting it from might not be able to get it.

Do not start your cycle until you have everything in place. It would be the shits if half way through you realise gyno has surfaced and tissue is growing and you could have prevented it and now you cant even control it. Starting a cycle without everything in place (AI, PCT) is not wise.
I just saw a vlog where sadik does cardio 2dlx a day and weights 2x a day for his prep. Im sure you will be ok doing weights and bjj.
Do not start your cycle until you have everything in place. It would be the shits if half way through you realise gyno has surfaced and tissue is growing and you could have prevented it and now you cant even control it. Starting a cycle without everything in place (AI, PCT) is not wise.

I'm gonna do that, it's would suck to be in that situation. Thanks for the input, I'm glad I came here the guys were telling me first just shot a low dose of deca once in while wo any mention of pct the other wanted me to do anavar n test for 5 weeks and take pct.
Can I train bjj while on cycle and lifting??
Planning to take test 10 weeks coupled with anavar for the last 6 weeks. It's my first cycle, I'm doing it to help recover from an accident that put me out of heavy activities for 6 months. I've been reading the newbie threads and doing the research on proper pct. I know I should just do test but wanted to add something to help my joints as well, would have done deca but I'm worried of side effects because I'm not certain I can get ai and stuff for hair loss, plus don't wanna get too big to fast I might get hurt in bjj not being accustomed to the weight.

Hey man, drop the var like the boys said. Your gains while lifting and the amount of cardio from Bjj will pretty much depend on your diet. Make sure you're stretching while weight training so not to lose flexibility for jj. Hope this helps.
I'm gonna do that, it's would suck to be in that situation. Thanks for the input, I'm glad I came here the guys were telling me first just shot a low dose of deca once in while wo any mention of pct the other wanted me to do anavar n test for 5 weeks and take pct.

Who the hell was telling you to do that?
Hey man, drop the var like the boys said. Your gains while lifting and the amount of cardio from Bjj will pretty much depend on your diet. Make sure you're stretching while weight training so not to lose flexibility for jj. Hope this helps.

Yeah thanks, I think I'm gonna drop it. I know the diet is gonna be tough.

Who the hell was telling you to do that?

The guys I'm getting the stuff from. Both are fighters and are deck. But I knew it sounded wrong.
Read that link I posted bud. 9 times out of 10 guys who sell gear don't know shit. Just out supporting their own. They'll try and sell you more shit then what's needed and don't have what you do need...
Man oh man. Avoid those guys' advice like the plague. No wonder guys get messed up.

Youre at the right place here at Ology man, you have some questions or something doesn't seem right that someone told you, the guys here will steer you in the right direction.
lately i spoke to a gym buddy who doesnt run cycles, eats 1kg of chicken a day, 0.5kg of tuna a day and 22 eggs, and assures me that his buddy is a doctor who takes steroids, yeah so that wanker told me for the first cycle run deca and test thats a classic first cycle, can't do any harm...never laughed so hard...and he assured me that the testosterone that you take actually makes your balls working because the deca supresses them...the buddy knows his shit.. and like he has not told enough stupid things, he tells me dont read the internet, they dont know shit...lol guys be aware
Anavar and bjj. That sounds painful! Hope you have Taurine on hand if that's still the plan. Getting shivers just thinking about those pumps while doing groundwork. Yeeeesh.
your biggest problem isn't going to be recovery.. you can work out that much..

but your forearms will give out and you'll very likely develop tendinitis... youre going from nothing to 1000mph..

i speak from experience.. i do 6 2 hour bjj sessions a week in competition season.. and if i keep my weight lifting at a normal level my forearms give out and i develop tennis elbow..very counter productive
Read that link I posted bud. 9 times out of 10 guys who sell gear don't know shit. Just out supporting their own. They'll try and sell you more shit then what's needed and don't have what you do need...

I read it before I posted. It cleared everything up for me. From my "street knowledge" test is usually not the base of a cycle and test wouldn't give you side effects at low doses. I guess got lucky but it does explain why this kid I know always says his gains go away after use.
I'm really glad you guys brought up bjj and var. Before I use to train and my forearm felt like they would bust. I just didn't grasp the full effect of var.
your biggest problem isn't going to be recovery.. you can work out that much..

but your forearms will give out and you'll very likely develop tendinitis... youre going from nothing to 1000mph..

i speak from experience.. i do 6 2 hour bjj sessions a week in competition season.. and if i keep my weight lifting at a normal level my forearms give out and i develop tennis elbow..very counter productive

Anavar and bjj. That sounds painful! Hope you have Taurine on hand if that's still the plan. Getting shivers just thinking about those pumps while doing groundwork. Yeeeesh.

I agree with 3j.. I teach 3 bjj classes a week and lift afterwards. And it's hell on my elbows.

Thanks 3j that's really helpful. I'm pretty sure I've got a good grasp of what I need get and how to use it. Still about a month away so I'm gonna keep researching but I got just these two more questions.

1) Do you think add hgh for the required six months w a well planned test cycle would be do able. Not that I'm hell bent on using multiple things first shot, it's because the accident was on a motorcycle when someone cut me off flew 100 ft away got banged up bad so I know when my activity level increases things are going to pop up so I wanna get something with good healing benefits

2) for the bjj guys out there... What u think about doing 2-3 no gi session no rolling for a month and 2 beginner gi class. Maybe I can throw in some muay thai. I intend to lift 4-5 days on a split program with alot of stretching and a couple 15-20 min light slow swimming?