On my 10th day of First Cycle


New member
Hi guys, i`m on my 10th day of my first cycle. Doing test e, 250mg every 5 days (already had 3 injections). I`ve just started to wonder if that dose is enough or not. Should i increase the dose taken or is it ok for the first cycle? The guy who i`ve bought test e from suggested me to use test e like that (250mg E5D). By the way, i`m 24 years old, 182cm height, weight like 80kg. Waiting for your advices, thanks in advance! :)
you need to take your pin sooner! u want to pin twice a week(7 days) i take mine every sunday and wednesday! im doing 400mg a shot(800mg a week total)
but your at a good dose(500-600) is lots!!

i recommend pinning twice within your 7 day period
and for your first cycle, you should always run test alone then introduce something else in later cycles! always run test, no matter what
also how long are you running your cycle for? 12 weeks??
I`m planning to do it for 10 weeks. I still would like to hear other guys opinions too about the dose for the first cycle. I just cant decide if i should stick up to 250mg every 5 days or not... It`s mine 10th day today and i`d be supposed to inject for the third time. Any more suggestions?
your ok at that dosage ...most guys run 250mg every 3.5 days making 500 a week

your running about 350 a week, still enough to get plenty of results for a first cycle
u have post cycle therapy (pct) ?
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12 weeks. If you can get or already have the gear. Youll get a lot more out of the extra couple weeks of pinning. And make sure you get that 250mg pin twice a week, like they said ^^^^^above. Good call on running test for first cycle. Try to run only test and see how it goes. You can always expand later. Hows the PIP??
It wouldn`t be a problem for me to get additional 10ml vial of test e. But im just not sure if there would be any difference in increasing the dose by 150mg a week. Maybe 250mg E5D would do the job pretty well as this is my first cycle and i dont weight that much..? And it is more likely i would develop gyno and more side effects with 500mg then with 250mg E5D isn`t it?
way too much fluctuation in hormone levels with pinning E5D, whatever dose you run make it at least E3.5D (twice a week)

as for what to expect with a higher dosage: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/153723-300mg-vs-600mg-testosterone.html

if you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand gyno shouldn't be an issue regardless, and test is pretty mild as far as sides go, you'll probably see more if you increase the dose but the difference shouldn't really be that noticeable

up the dose if you want, it's not like you're not going to see results with 350mg EW.
Well, I will probably increase my dose to 500mg a week. I`ve just had my third injection 3 hours ago(saturday). So my next injection will be on thursday (is it ok?), then on monday and gonna do all of injections on those days. What about pain, i havn`t felt anything so far. Dont know why but i havn`t and i`m satisfied with that for sure:)) By the way, what about post cycle therapy (pct). I`ve bought 20 tablets of clomid, each one is 50mg. I would start my post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last injection. Do you think 20 days of clomid, 50mg every day would be enough? Thanks! :)
im running 800mg of test a week...and just ran 70mg a day or tbol for the past 6 weeks!

no signs of gyno so dont worry about that!! but yes i do have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand which you should too if your worried about it

you want your pins twice a week(withing the 7 day period)!!! not every 5 days
and your gains will be way better just by increasing the dosage up

do that and run 12 weeks and youll be happy with the results!! remember to eat right
Well, I will probably increase my dose to 500mg a week. I`ve just had my third injection 3 hours ago(saturday). So my next injection will be on thursday (is it ok?), then on monday and gonna do all of injections on those days. What about pain, i havn`t felt anything so far. Dont know why but i havn`t and i`m satisfied with that for sure:)) By the way, what about post cycle therapy (pct). I`ve bought 20 tablets of clomid, each one is 50mg. I would start my PCT 2 weeks after last injection. Do you think 20 days of clomid, 50mg every day would be enough? Thanks! :)

That way of pinning is fine. It doesn't matter if you're off a couple days here or there, just as long as most of your injections fall on the same two days every week. No PIP is fine. I didn't get it my first time either except when I pinned quads.

Most people run 4 week post cycle therapy (pct). If you want to be anal about PCT get more clomid, but I don't think shortening it a week is going to kill you. Others might disagree.
Id say get your hands on another 15 tabs of clomid and your off to the races bud. IF you have no problems getting more test, then the clomid should be a piece of cake. Play it safe, do it right, run the PCT 4 weeks if you can. And have fun. Ill be following.
By the way, what strenght gains can i expect after 10 weeks running 500mg of test e a week? For example, if i can bench press 200 pounds, what can i expect after the cycle? :)
not having any pain from test e is normal , most pip comes from prop

as far as pct 2 weeks after last pin is right & as far as clomid run it for 4 weeks ,

there is more than one way depends on preference , i believe better safe than sorry with PCT so get a little more clomid if you can ... and run it 100/50/50/25

but if you can't get any more run 50/50/25/25 - i think you would be 2 days short though if you have 20 50mg tabs
By the way, aromasin seems to be very expensive in my local pharmacies. Would it be ok to use nolvadex if gyno signs appear? Thanks.
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