On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) thinking of adding Var..thoughts


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On TRT thinking of adding Var..thoughts

I have been reading alot on Anavar (var) and Test and have gone though most of the stickies on cycles and Test dosing.

I am 35 6'6' 240 with 24% BF (mostly in midsection) I am currently on 250mg/ml weekly TRT with test cyp. Have been on for a while now. Working out 3 days a week, diet is ok. Test levels never get about 500...Started out at 200

I am considering adding Anavar (var) to the mix to try to cut some of the BF and add lean muscle. My questions are the following:

1) Is it worth it to add Anavar (var) to the TRT does of Test Cyp?
2) If so dose per day? How long?
3) Would a Anavar (var) + Win stack be better?

Thank you for the info
I have been reading alot on Anavar (var) and Test and have gone though most of the stickies on cycles and Test dosing.

I am 35 6'6' 240 with 24% BF (mostly in midsection) I am currently on 250mg/ml weekly testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with test cyp. Have been on for a while now. Working out 3 days a week, diet is ok. Test levels never get about 500...Started out at 200

I am considering adding Anavar (var) to the mix to try to cut some of the BF and add lean muscle. My questions are the following:

1) Is it worth it to add Anavar (var) to the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) does of Test Cyp?
2) If so dose per day? How long?
3) Would a Anavar (var) + Win stack be better?

Thank you for the info

How long have you been on TRT? If you've been on long enough to where a blood test is only required every 6 months or so, I think you'd see more benefits from going on a "blast". It might also "wake up" your androgen receptors and provide you a higher total testosterone level at your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses as a nifty side benefit. I'd try 500mg/wk of test and skip the orals for now. Don't forget you'll need to bump up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose significantly if you decide to go this route. Diet as mentioned above will make the biggest change for you if you're looking to do a recomp, and it's hard to beat 3J (moderates the diet section) and his nutrition service.

My .02c :)
Thank you for the info...I was on 250 every two weeks for about a year. Gels did not work and I am down to bloodwork every 6 months from my endo. I just started going weekly about a month ago. I just ordered more test c and could up the dose. I need to read that diet from 3J more closely. I saw it and I just skimmed it. I will go back. I am not on any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now and show no gyno signs, but would get some Arimidex to start if I did up the test dose. I was thinking of that being my other option than the orals.

Thank you for the help
Thank you for the info...I was on 250 every two weeks for about a year. Gels did not work and I am down to bloodwork every 6 months from my endo. I just started going weekly about a month ago. I just ordered more test c and could up the dose. I need to read that diet from 3J more closely. I saw it and I just skimmed it. I will go back. I am not on any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now and show no gyno signs, but would get some Arimidex to start if I did up the test dose. I was thinking of that being my other option than the orals.

Thank you for the help

Out of curiosity, do you get your E2 (estradiol) checked along with your testosterone levels by your doctor? I too run 250mg/wk for my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but have to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at low doses to keep from getting estrogenic sides.