I'm not the expert, but I've read time on = time off, also make sure your blood work Is good to go.
How did you like running the 400mg? Did you make any significant gains?
I'm not the expert, but I've read time on = time off, also make sure your blood work Is good to go.
How did you like running the 400mg? Did you make any significant gains?
i ran it on a cut so the gains i saw were minimal to nonexistent, but i have kept every drop of muscle i earned pre-cut and i still have another 4-5 weeks to go.
I've been on blast since January. Between Tren, NPP, and back to Tren with a couple week break in between. Ill be done come September 1st and I'll cruise out till January again.
So this is a dumb question that I should no doubt know the answer to, but what exactly does a guy look for in his blood work to know he's good to go again? Once I figured out how to manage estrogen and HCT levels I really haven't noticed any real changes from cruise to blast.
So this is a dumb question that I should no doubt know the answer to, but what exactly does a guy look for in his blood work to know he's good to go again? Once I figured out how to manage estrogen and HCT levels I really haven't noticed any real changes from cruise to blast.
Basically make sure everything is in the healthy range. It is useful to compare to your baseline. Key ones to watch are liver, kidney and hematocrit values. Lipids and BP too are good to keep an eye on.
I'm not the expert, but I've read time on = time off, also make sure your blood work Is good to go.
How did you like running the 400mg? Did you make any significant gains?
I ran a 7 week/400mg test and I gained 5 kilos on a clean bulk, could have gained more if the nutrition would have been more precise and the cycle was pretty short either.
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