One methylated PH followed by another methylated Ph


New member
Hey guys. Ive been thinking of running a cycle consisting of
Epi 2a3a for the first 4 weeks
Msten rx for weeks 5-8.
Is it ok to run 2 methyls back to back like this?
Ive heard that epi 2a3a is great for holding onto muscle while you cut so im thinking about cutting for the first month and bulking while switching to msten for the second month. Is that a fine idea? I have 1 - 2% of bf id like to shed before i bulk.
Thats too long to run toxic orals. Consider running one of them and then following it up with 4wks of lgd or some sort of sarm that is non-toxic. Make sure you run cycle support like n2guard on it.
I think if you are going to do something like this, you start with the harsher of the 2 first. You're probably also better off doing separate cut and bulk cycles, rather than half of a cycle being a cut then the back half being a bulk.
I just think its a bad idea. That long on toxic oral ph's is far worse than any injectable cycle you would ever do. Things like that should really be run for 6wks max, preferably more like four. If your set on doing just an oral cycle I would pick one of them and run it for 6wks with n2guard and NAC for cycle protection and then follow it up with some clomid, hcgenerate, and osta.