Only 1 vial from my 200mg/ml NPP crystalized


New member
I made 2 25ml vials of it.................since one crashed and the other is fine I figure either the solvent wasn't fully mixed, or the horomone wasn't. I guessing it's the horomone. Gonna empty both of them, add more solvent, mix and re-filter. Hopefully that does the trick. Something like this happen to anyone else?
home brew is not an exact science.

save you self some time and just reheat it everytime. it may hold after you reheat it.
pullinbig said:
home brew is not an exact science.

save you self some time and just reheat it everytime. it may hold after you reheat it.

I would do that, but it bothers me that one vial may be 250mg/ml while the other is 150mg.
I have some raw test enanthate powder in 2 vials. When it gets hot out sometimes only 1 melts while the other stays completely solid. Point being that pb is right, no exact science and I wouldnt waste a filter on it. Transfer it all to a large vial, heat and mix. Then Id just go ahead and transfer back into the original vials.
I was only going to filter because I was going to mix it in an unsterile vial...never have big ones around. I'm just gonna re-heat it and add some bb, there's only 12% in it anyway.