Open letter to RUI. Lesson learned!


I am banned!
I've been a member of this forum for a little while now and have always used its sponsors when needing anything. I got a wild hair and visited another forum last month. I saw a sponsor and decided to check them out.

I was getting close to needing more CIA. They were having a sale. Buy one get one. Why not? I get 2 for the same price as one from RUI. There cant be that much difference. Wrong, WRONG!!

I get the product and notice it is a lot thinner. I shake it up and take my usual amount of 10mg. I get frisky with the wife and meh. It was ok but I did notice a difference. I chalk it up to maybe my E2 is a little out of whack becuase I just started a cycle 2 weeks ago and maybe my AI isn't right yet.

Day 2 I take another 10mg and the same thing happens. Day 3 I take 15mg and same thing. Its working but not really.

One thing I know for a fact is that at 15mg of RUI CIA I get some side effects. With this company I got none.

Day 5 wife sends a text and says its go time!! Fucking A right. I come home and reach for the RUI, just as an experiment. 10mg and 3 hours later you couldn't turn the skin on it with a pipe wrench. NIGHT & DAY DIFFERENCE!!

I'm sorry that I strayed! Won't happen again.
good to know! there are so many companies out there now offering similar products, its good to know that one can be trusted and reliable.
how long after taking cialis does it start to work? Ive never tried it before
I usually take it atleast 3-4 hours before go time if I've missed a few days. Usually though I try to take it at least EOD just for its benefits.
You certainly get what you pay for. I've tried other places too, only to find an E2 of over 600pg/mL because their adex was garbage. Rui has been my go-to ever since.
I learned the same lesson a couple years aago unfortunately it was with exemestane and I got gyno. Luckily RUI ralox took care of the gyno but ever since then I do not stray man, it isnt worth it at all. Ancillaries are just as important as the steroids on a cycle and rui has the best quality in the business.