Opening dbol caps


I'm about to start my next cycle
Week 1-15: Test Enanthate 750/week
Week 1-4: Test Prop 100mg eod
Week 1-4: Dbol ?mg ed

So I'm using Pinn Gear and the capsules are 25mg so as ir is I can either take 25 or 50 mg per day. For those who haven't heard, the Pinn Dbol is potent stuff. My last cycle I tried running their Dbol at 50mg every day for the first 4 weeks and packed on mass but the dosage was too much, I got horrible lower back pumps hindering my workouts and I was really bloated even with running Aromasin throughout. I ended up stopping the Dbol early during that cycle to stop the back pumps but then I ran it for the last three weeks of the cycle at 25 mg ed and felt like it just wasn't enough. This time, I think I want to run 30-35 mg every day so I'm wondering if you guys think my best option would be just to open up the capsule and try to eyeball splitting it up into roughly that amount. Maybe I should just suck it up, take 3-5 grams of taurine pre-workout, and run 50mg. What are some of your opinions?
you cant cut it like that they are caps not tabs. its either do 25mgs or 50mgs. Your cycle looks pretty good to me. I have some of pinnacle's Npp and sust and dbol that im going to be running in may or june cant wait for that cycle.
I only 50mg now but my first go at Dbol I would split open one cap and eyeball divide the powder into two. Having two little piles of roughly 12.5mg each. Then I'd take one of the halves and another cap whole for roughly 37.5mg a day.

Was pretty tedious so I just upped it to 50mg and haven't had any ill sides to make me considering going back.
Don't try to split caps, it not accurate. Take either 25 or 50, 50 is a very common dose.
Same. If you can't make any gains off test and 25mg of dbol you're just not eating enough or training hard enough.
Split the cap and divide the powder. You might not even have any dbol in that cap at all or may even have 50mg they aren't all 100% accurate. There's no problem is splitting it
in the past ive emptied out old caps of vitamins ive had , and then split caps of dbol open and put half in the vitamin cap , if u did do it , never just eat the powder , put it back into an ampty cap , but id say just take the doses they come in , dbol s only a kickstart , im not a personal fan of the "quality gains" that you can aparently get from orals