Operation Cyber Juice - Be careful


MIA - PM only
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, I'm sure most of you are aware that the DEA is putting a lot of pressure on our sources with at least 16 UGLs being busted so far.
I'm not going to post the numerous articles across the internet talking about this (use Google) since that's not the point of this thread - the point is to WARN all of you to be more cautious with your actions.

The DEA is working alongside USADA, World Anti-Doping Agency, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations, Europol & Interpol.
When the DEA starts working alongside private organizations like the USADA in order to put people in jail - it means that this is a very, very dangerous period for us and, mostly, our sources.

The evidence they are using has been gathered from the past year or so and can be from a variety of sources. This includes, but isn't limited to, AAS forums & review sites to see how long the operation has been going on, WU data on transfers in/out of China (this is one of the reasons WU is always asking for ID now), customs, and customers themselves (to reveal info about the source in exchange for a plea deal).
All of these things can be used as evidence....all of it.

IMO posting personal reviews of sources, pictures of gear, pics of yourselves (these can easily be tracked to the original source even if blurred, etc) and asking home brewing questions should be avoided in these tough times.

I've seen way too many members over the years being reckless with the amount of information they are willing to give on PUBLIC forums and its always been a stupid approach to adopt.
If you have to ask something then there are plenty of private ways to do it - PMs, emails, etc.

Be smart & stay safe :)
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