Opinion on my 1st cycle


New member
This is my first cycle AAS which will start in about 2 weeks

Just wanted some opinion on it, good or bad..

Cycle running for 12 weeks testE 500mg EW hit twice mon & thur 250ml each + Boldenone (Eq) 400mg EW & Clen (liquid) 2 weeks on 2 weeks off - vamp up to 100mcg and vamp down.

I have mild concern for gyno sides, wondering if nolvadex would be wise choice.
to be taken?

my cycle wont change once started.. first time just want to stay firm as to what I am doing, at first

:newbie: to AAS
Training: 2 years (natural everything)
Age: 30ish
Weight: 162kgs (guess)
Height: 6.1
BF: 30-33% (guess)

LDL normal
HDL low
Test low side
liver High (on milk thistle 600mg ED)
T3 normal

High protein low carbs and low fat
9 - 10 meals per day eat every 1 1/2 to 2hrs ED
3 Lt H20 ED
4500 - 5000 cal ED
Be gentle guys.. :newbie: remember.. I want to learn and GROW
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At 6 foot 1 inch and 350lbs, you should be more concerned with getting your health in line before you worry about cycling. With a low HDL, high liver enzyme values, and 30+% body fat using AAS could be a cause for disaster. I don't like the fact that you seem so vague about everything either, it makes me wonder how much of the truth you are really telling.

You should probably look into Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) if your Test levels are on the "low side" and you should really get your diet in check. If you have a high protein/low carb/low fat diet, you shouldn't be 30+% body fat.

If you decide to go ahead with this cycle, which I don't doubt will happen, just run the Test for 10-12 weeks at 350-500mg/wk and restrict your calories ALOT. Do cardio until you can't stand the sight of a treadmill and keep training hard.

I'm just curious... What does your training program look like? What are your PR's in your compound lifts (ie. Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift)??
At 6 foot 1 inch and 350lbs, you should be more concerned with getting your health in line before you worry about cycling. With a low HDL, high liver enzyme values, and 30+% body fat using AAS could be a cause for disaster. I don't like the fact that you seem so vague about everything either, it makes me wonder how much of the truth you are really telling.

You should probably look into Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) if your Test levels are on the "low side" and you should really get your diet in check. If you have a high protein/low carb/low fat diet, you shouldn't be 30+% body fat.

If you decide to go ahead with this cycle, which I don't doubt will happen, just run the Test for 10-12 weeks at 350-500mg/wk and restrict your calories ALOT. Do cardio until you can't stand the sight of a treadmill and keep training hard.

I'm just curious... What does your training program look like? What are your PR's in your compound lifts (ie. Bench Press, Squat, Deadlift)??


Appreciated the concern.. and you opinion but Yes the cycle happening in 2 weeks.. my training is like this:

Mon Back & arms
warmup 2x 10-15 (at 10-15kg) each exercise, pending which exercise
30 second break now to aid intensity

(BB) Bentover Rows 3x7-8-8 weight 32-50kg (add for each set)
(DB) rows 3x7-7-8 weight 25-35kg (add for each set)
Lat pulldown 3x7-7-8 weight 40-57 (add for each set)*
Tri pull down 3x8-8-8 weight 57-77 (add for each set)*
Skull crushers 3x8-8-7 weight 25-35kg (add for each set)
Hammer curls 3x8-8-7 weight 22.5-27kg (add for each set)
Preacher Curls 3x8-7-8 (machine usual set to max)

20 cardio finishes off the routine
Treadmil 20 minutes hill climb, carry my back pack with 10kg add weight

Tuesday Cardio

Treadmil 20 minutes hill climb, carry my back pack with 10kg add weight
Kickboxing in the evening 1 hr

Wednesday: Legs
warmup 2x 10-15 (at 20-35kg) each exercise, pending which exercise
30 second break now to aid intensity

Curved leg press 3x8-8-7 weight 106-176kg (add for each set)
Leg extn 3x8-8-7 weight 90-130kg (add for each set)
leg press 3x8-8-8 weight 120-260kg (add for each set)
Squat 3x7-7-7 weight 106-156kg (add for each set)
Calf raises 4x8-8-8-7 weight 86-136 (add for each set)*
Hamstring curls 3x8-8-7 weight 35-45kg (add for each set)

20 cardio finishes off the routine
Treadmil 20 minutes hill climb, carry my back pack with 10kg add weight

Thursday Cardio

Treadmil 20 minutes hill climb, carry my back pack with 10kg add weight
Kickboxing in the evening 1 hr

Friday: Chest & shoulders
warmup 2x 10-15 (at 10-25kg) each exercise, pending which exercise
30 second break now to aid intensity

(DB) bench press 3x8-8-7 weight 40-55kg (add for each set)
Cable crossovers 3x8-8-7 weight 60-75kg (add for each set)
(DB) press (incline 3x8-8-8 weight 20-27kg (add for each set)
Pec deck 3x8-8-7 weight 75-125kg (add for each set)
Shoulder press 3x8-8-7 weight 70-110 (add for each set)*
Uprite Rows 3x8-8-7 weight 75-125kg (add for each set)

20 cardio finishes off the routine
Treadmil 20 minutes hill climb, carry my back pack with 10kg add weight

Saturday Cardio
Treadmil 20 minutes hill climb, carry my back pack with 10kg add weight

Sunday rest..


I am only vague about it a little as we all make choices. I can not change how I am born, but I can change how I am going live.. I have made a choice to do a cycle as listed above.

I have been on Noverdex Xt (6wk @ 3caps) test booster for the low test and take milk thistle for the H liver. But I guess it couldn't hurt to hold out until these thing came into check. Just not getting any younger.

Thanks again for the concern..
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you are plain STUPID if you go through with this cycle in your current condition. This is a recipe for disaster; you think that AAS are going to help you get to this healthy state, but it isn't.

Get down to 20% body-fat. Even then AAS should not be considered.........

:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
I get the "it stupid" and things .. I am not taking the piss, and hope i am not coming across dis respectful..

I want understand as to why? you may consider it stupid. this wasn't a decision I made by looking at picture. I understand the method and I under what happens to me during this process, I have dug & researched everything I can find on the substance I want to cycle.

no way am I trying to be disrespectful everyone, I never thought doing AAS will give me a healthy state, I don't believe anyone doing AAS could say it's healthy. Growth and strength is the main two reasons for my decision to do the cycle.

I don't mine being told stuff or told Im/it's STUPID, yet I learn from the likes of you all, please if you dont mind please explain why it's suppose to be stupid. My choices may change if I am educated to understand why?

I hope that's a fair comment

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I get the "it stupid" and things .. I am not taking the piss, and hope i am not coming across dis respectful..

I want understand as to why? you may consider it stupid. this wasn't a decision I made by looking at picture. I understand the method and I under what happens to me during this process, I have dug & researched everything I can find on the substance I want to cycle.

no way am I trying to be disrespectful everyone, I never thought doing AAS will give me a healthy state, I don't believe anyone doing AAS could say it's healthy. Growth and strength is the main two reasons for my decision to do the cycle.

I don't mine being told stuff or told Im/it's STUPID, yet I learn from the likes of you all, please if you dont mind please explain why it's suppose to be stupid. My choices may change if I am educated to understand why?

I hope that's a fair comment


Your inquiry is fair, However I agree with the previous members seek a doctors advice about losing weight properly. AAS put significant stress on your heart and being 350lbs already puts a lot of stress on your joints and your heart doing AAS makes that even worse your going to end up injuring yourself.

In addition steroids don't make you lean in fact most tend to increase your appetite so you' ll find yourself eating more. I know users who didn't watch their diet and were under the impression that they could go to a Mcdonalds everyday and ended up being much fatter by the end of their cycle.

So if you really want to use them go for it, but here you have guys that have had experience with them telling you what's best. However if you still decide to go forward with this I would advise you to watch what you eat watch your BF% and get test done routinely to make sure your blood pressure heart cholestrol etc is still in check. I tend to carry a wrist BP monitor with me all day its pocket size and helps me monitor my heart while im on AAS ephedra or whatever else that adds stress on my heart.
Holy shit BatMan........

If you don't die from a heart attack, you will certainly get fatter.

The higher your body fat is, the more estrogen receptors you have, and therefore more testosterone will aromatize and attach to those estrogen receptors, translating to an increased body fat level.

I think it's time for a disclaimer to be added to the registration page stating that STEROIDS are NOT MAGIG"
Your inquiry is fair, However I agree with the previous members seek a doctors advice about losing weight properly. AAS put significant stress on your heart and being 350lbs already puts a lot of stress on your joints and your heart doing AAS makes that even worse your going to end up injuring yourself.

In addition steroids don't make you lean in fact most tend to increase your appetite so you' ll find yourself eating more. I know users who didn't watch their diet and were under the impression that they could go to a Mcdonalds everyday and ended up being much fatter by the end of their cycle.

So if you really want to use them go for it, but here you have guys that have had experience with them telling you what's best. However if you still decide to go forward with this I would advise you to watch what you eat watch your BF% and get test done routinely to make sure your blood pressure heart cholestrol etc is still in check. I tend to carry a wrist BP monitor with me all day its pocket size and helps me monitor my heart while im on AAS ephedra or whatever else that adds stress on my heart.

Thanks for this, I do appreciate it, I do understand about the size and growth and sides to the water retention from the AAS use, and the stress that can follow, that's for taking the time out to tell me, it the only way we learn.. thanks

I will still do the AAS, but probably at a later date .. but re-evaluate my status at this time.
Drop about 140lbs and about 20% bodyfat and then think about doing AAS. First off, the EQ is going to make you hungry as all hell. Once it kicks in, you will never, not for one second, not be hungry enough to eat an entire dead horse (literally). Even after eating a meal, it would be as if you never ate it. Definitely not a good thing if you are trying to lose weight. The Test will help to add mass, which I don't think you want at your weight. It will bloat you up even more.

Also, at that high of a bodyfat percentage, you risk major sides, and a possible heart attack. The Clen also messes with your heart a lot, so don't even think about taking that until you get healthy.