Opinions needed on tren ace


New member
Hey everyone, hope all are well. Right I'm doing 500mg sustanon a week and am 2 and half weeks in on 150 mg tren ace eod. I have had no serious side affect just sweating a lot during sex and taking long to finish and also a lot of sweating at gym but apart from that nothing. Strength is up by a bit.
So what I wanted to know is do you think I should up my tren ace dose to 200mg eod ?
Tren ace lab is euro pharmacies and sustanon is alpha.
I was running 50 eod of the euro pharm tren a. For the first 5 weeks or so now I've stepped it up to 100 eod. Give it more time before you step it up. It's just about to start working good. Yeah the ace. Is in your system fast but it still takes a bit before you really start to notice the effects. 150 eod. That's more than enough especially if you never ran tren before.
I'm about nine weeks in and I'm really seeing the results with the way I look and my strength is going through the roof.
Be patient. And one thing I guarantee is the euro pharm. products are top notch.
Okay thanks for the advice pal will give it some time before I up the dose. I never doubted ep as read loads of good views on them.
I have run tren ace before by wc and at the 10-12 day mark my strength was up quite abit, that's why I was asking as had different affects on my last tren ace cycle.
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On week 4 of my first tren run. Euro-Pharmacies brand obviously. 50mg ED alonng with 250mg cyp/week. Felt night sweats from day 1. Subsided after the first week, then came back FULL FORCE during week 3. I noticed mild strength increases at week 2-3, and now it's really starting to shine. The aggression/sweats/insomnia/aggitation is really prevalent now at week 4.

I'll say it didn't kick in as quick as I thought tren ace would. The sides came quick, but the results are just starting to come now at weeks 3-4. But man...when the results come, they COME.
On week 4 of my first tren run. Euro-Pharmacies brand obviously. 50mg ED alonng with 250mg cyp/week. Felt night sweats from day 1. Subsided after the first week, then came back FULL FORCE during week 3. I noticed mild strength increases at week 2-3, and now it's really starting to shine. The aggression/sweats/insomnia/aggitation is really prevalent now at week 4.

I'll say it didn't kick in as quick as I thought tren ace would. The sides came quick, but the results are just starting to come now at weeks 3-4. But man...when the results come, they COME.

Okay thanks for the reply pal. I will give it more time as I'm sure ep is a great product. In my earlier post there is an error as it was sphinx tren ace not wc that I ran last time, seems like I react different to different labs.
The thing that got me on Tren ace was the laboured breathing when lifting lol the weights felt light but i was breathing like Darth vader.
The thing that got me on Tren ace was the laboured breathing when lifting lol the weights felt light but i was breathing like Darth vader.

Well I haven't reached that stage at the moment. Having no probs with cardio but can't wait for more strength gains.
Hey everyone, hope all are well. Right I'm doing 500mg sustanon a week and am 2 and half weeks in on 150 mg tren ace eod. I have had no serious side affect just sweating a lot during sex and taking long to finish and also a lot of sweating at gym but apart from that nothing. Strength is up by a bit.
So what I wanted to know is do you think I should up my tren ace dose to 200mg eod ?
Tren ace lab is euro pharmacies and sustanon is alpha.

Hmmmm, tell us about your AI dosing. That's potentially an early warning sign that you're about to get hit on the noggin by the limp dick fairy for having elevated prolactin.

It could be something else, but that definitely caught my eye. :)
Hmmmm, tell us about your AI dosing. That's potentially an early warning sign that you're about to get hit on the noggin by the limp dick fairy for having elevated prolactin.

It could be something else, but that definitely caught my eye. :)

I'm using adex .5mg eod pal, done tren cycles before and have done the same without issues. I don't really get hard side affects while on tren the thing I notice the most is the strength gains off it.
Thanks for the response mate.
I'm using adex .5mg eod pal, done tren cycles before and have done the same without issues. I don't really get hard side affects while on tren the thing I notice the most is the strength gains off it.
Thanks for the response mate.

Sexual release being prolonged is normal for you on tren? I'm very surprised that it only stops there, but that's great for her if so. Ever pulled labs to see where that dose of adex puts you?
Sexual release being prolonged is normal for you on tren? I'm very surprised that it only stops there, but that's great for her if so. Ever pulled labs to see where that dose of adex puts you?

No pal but everything seems fine it's just taking awhile for the strength gains. I'm in two minds to switch labs. Will wait and see as like I've said ep stuff is meant to be top notch just hoping its just not a bad batch as that's common with a lot of labs out there. Also yeah sexual release was the same on last tren cycle but strength gains were crazy.
Hello everyone am new to roids 13 days ago...am using 3quaters of a ml on tren a and the same on sus 250 both in seprate needles...13 days aftr I hand my tricept lumps have pops up n rashy red around both tricepts...can anyone help me with the right doseage and are these lumps normal..the lumps popd up on my first jabs instantly but went away aftr a few days...
Hello everyone am new to roids 13 days ago...am using 3quaters of a ml on tren a and the same on sus 250 both in seprate needles...13 days aftr I hand my tricept lumps have pops up n rashy red around both tricepts...can anyone help me with the right doseage and are these lumps normal..the lumps popd up on my first jabs instantly but went away aftr a few days...

You should start your own thread on this.

Since this is your first cycle you should stop the tren right away and make sure you are using an AI. Also I would consider stopping the test and running your PCT cause you are not doing things right. Do you have all your PCT drugs on hand?
How does Tren Ace compare to Tren E? I kno ace is fast, but if u ran E for like 14 weeks. Would the results not be just as good as running ace short time?