Opinions on my SARM stack?


New member
So a little background about me. I'm 30, 185-190 lbs, 5'10". I've always been athletic, I've been lifting since I was 16. I've done some AAS cycles, and retained about 30 pounds from those. Before I cycles i was 155-160 and i bulked all the way up to 210lbs at my peak.

My current work situation leaves me unable to use AAS. So I'm gonna give this SARM thing a try.

I think i've done sufficient research but would like to run this past a few of the pros here.

It's an 8 week cycle, followed by a 4 week PCT

Weeks 1-4

LGD-4033 10mg/ED

Weeks 5-8
LGD-4033 10mg/ED
MK2866 25mg/ED
GW50 20mg/ED

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

The goal is to bulk while still maintaining low bf%. I don't have any experience with SARMS, any ideas if this is an acceptable stack? Should I change anything? Any predictions on what I can expect??

It looks like you've definitely done your research and have a well planned out cycle. Provided your diet and training are in check, you should see some very nice gains from this. The only thing I could suggest would be to run clomid throughout the cycle @ 50mg ed. You could then continue with it for another couple of weeks during pct.

There's other more experienced members on here that may be able to offer more advice. Welcome to the forum!
It looks like you've definitely done your research and have a well planned out cycle. Provided your diet and training are in check, you should see some very nice gains from this. The only thing I could suggest would be to run clomid throughout the cycle @ 50mg ed. You could then continue with it for another couple of weeks during pct.

There's other more experienced members on here that may be able to offer more advice. Welcome to the forum!

Yes clomid seems to be enough to keep your test levels somewhat in range during the cycle. People who I've talked to who ran LGD (most suppressive sarm) have noticed a drop in libido and a suppressed feeling when not running with a serm like clomid or nolva. It's a good preventative measure to keep yourself feeling good on cycle. Then continue clomid and nolva for pct once you finish the cycle.
First thing you should do is get some blood work done with privatelabs. steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/675497-ology-frequently-asked-questions.html for how to do that with lot of other good info

I used osta 25mg/ed for 8 weeks and my test was down to 140. I have read that LGD is much more suppressive than osta especially after 4wks and you are going to do both from 4-8 wks in your cycle. You may not have the same drop as me but you should plan on it dropping and take appropriate measures to make sure you don't fuck yourself long term. My research tells me that I should have been taking low dose (250mg x2 per wk) HCG injections to eliminate shut down. I didn't know that and I don't know where to get HCG anyway so it wouldn't of mattered. I don't know if it is right but nothing (like clomid) can be used instead of HCG to minimize suppression while on your cycle. This is the info I have gotten from the ppl that wrote these links I gave you.

This is a good link for pct advice.

If you want more info on my experiences you can read the threads I started which are only 2.