New member
So a little background about me. I'm 30, 185-190 lbs, 5'10". I've always been athletic, I've been lifting since I was 16. I've done some AAS cycles, and retained about 30 pounds from those. Before I cycles i was 155-160 and i bulked all the way up to 210lbs at my peak.
My current work situation leaves me unable to use AAS. So I'm gonna give this SARM thing a try.
I think i've done sufficient research but would like to run this past a few of the pros here.
It's an 8 week cycle, followed by a 4 week PCT
Weeks 1-4
LGD-4033 10mg/ED
Weeks 5-8
LGD-4033 10mg/ED
MK2866 25mg/ED
GW50 20mg/ED
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
The goal is to bulk while still maintaining low bf%. I don't have any experience with SARMS, any ideas if this is an acceptable stack? Should I change anything? Any predictions on what I can expect??
My current work situation leaves me unable to use AAS. So I'm gonna give this SARM thing a try.
I think i've done sufficient research but would like to run this past a few of the pros here.
It's an 8 week cycle, followed by a 4 week PCT
Weeks 1-4
LGD-4033 10mg/ED
Weeks 5-8
LGD-4033 10mg/ED
MK2866 25mg/ED
GW50 20mg/ED
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
The goal is to bulk while still maintaining low bf%. I don't have any experience with SARMS, any ideas if this is an acceptable stack? Should I change anything? Any predictions on what I can expect??