Opinions on sarms rad 140?

Here's something I read on RAD a few months ago:

RAD140 has a greater anabolic effect than testosterone, but fewer androgenic side effects. When the researchers combined RAD140 and testosterone, RAD140 reinforced the anabolic effects of testosterone, but reduced the androgenic side effects of testosterone on the prostate. That might mean that RAD140 can make testosterone cycles more effective and safer.
Here's something I read on RAD a few months ago:

RAD140 has a greater anabolic effect than testosterone, but fewer androgenic side effects. When the researchers combined RAD140 and testosterone, RAD140 reinforced the anabolic effects of testosterone, but reduced the androgenic side effects of testosterone on the prostate. That might mean that RAD140 can make testosterone cycles more effective and safer.

Estradiol is what impacts the prostate. How does a SARM reduce estradiol?
Here's something I read on RAD a few months ago:

RAD140 has a greater anabolic effect than testosterone, but fewer androgenic side effects. When the researchers combined RAD140 and testosterone, RAD140 reinforced the anabolic effects of testosterone, but reduced the androgenic side effects of testosterone on the prostate. That might mean that RAD140 can make testosterone cycles more effective and safer.

Where did you read that? Any medical studies to support this? I would be interested in learning more.
I honestly don't remember where I read that. When I see things that interest me, I copy them to my clipboard for future reference..
Rad 140 is PERFECT to run with TRT.....it is more anabolic than test without the dangerous sides. Your gonna be out down form the test....so RAD is a perfect compound to pair.
Rad 140 is PERFECT to run with TRT.....it is more anabolic than test without the dangerous sides. Your gonna be out down form the test....so RAD is a perfect compound to pair.

Again. it would be great to see medical studies supporting that. More Anabolic???