Opinions on Test E/Deca Cycle


New member
Week 1 - 12: Test Enanthate @ 600mg per week (2 shots 300mg - monday, thursday)
Week 2 - 11: Deca @ 300mg per week
Week 1 - 12: Proviron @ 25mg per day Actually going to start 2 weeks before cycle
Week 13 - 18: TestE @ 300mg per week 1 pin sunday
week 13 Clenbuterol 25/25/50/75/75/100/100
week 14 clenbuterol 100/100/75/75/50/50/25
week 15 - 16: ECA stack (any suggestions)
Week 17 Clenbuterol 50/75/75/100/100/100/100
week 18 clenbuterol 100/100/75/75/50/50/25
week 13 - 18 T3 ramping the dose up slowly to determine reaction maxing at 100 mcg

Will have other PCT items on hand but not sure the proper dosing and order
Would assume just Clomid after with taking the proviron during cycle.

My current stats are
Working on 10%BF at around 11.5% now
is this your first cycle? You can get to were you wante without the Clen and ECA. no need for them with a cycle like that
This is my second cycle. First was test enth with anadrol for a kickstart. I made huge gains but ate a little sloppy so the end results were not as good. I have my diet in check now in prep for this cycle and want to be at 10%bf before I start. My end result is to be around 8% bf and at a clean 220-225.
Week 1 - 12: Test Enanthate @ 600mg per week (2 shots 300mg - monday, thursday)
Week 2 - 11: Deca @ 300mg per week
Week 1 - 12: Proviron @ 25mg per day Actually going to start 2 weeks before cycle
Week 13 - 18: TestE @ 300mg per week 1 pin sunday
week 13 Clenbuterol 25/25/50/75/75/100/100
week 14 clenbuterol 100/100/75/75/50/50/25
week 15 - 16: ECA stack (any suggestions)
Week 17 Clenbuterol 50/75/75/100/100/100/100
week 18 clenbuterol 100/100/75/75/50/50/25
week 13 - 18 T3 ramping the dose up slowly to determine reaction maxing at 100 mcg

Will have other PCT items on hand but not sure the proper dosing and order
Would assume just Clomid after with taking the proviron during cycle.

My current stats are
Working on 10%BF at around 11.5% now

i would not use clenbuterol with deca because it seems like they would work against each other clen is for shredding fat rapidly and deca will give you bulk and lots of water. clen is also dangerous. in my opinion i would do this cycle without clen and wait to use it alone for your next cycle. so that way you bulk as big as you can wait a month or 2 and wait to see how much gains you kept. then run your clenbuterol! Good Luck by the way.
I have never heard that clen and deca would work against eachother. I have read in many places that in order to maintain gains while using clen that you should take a moderate dose of test. This was my reasoning for continuing the test while on clen and t3. I could take an extra week of just test between the 2 parts to give more seperation. What do you think of that? I appreciate any feedback given. I am definately interested in staying with this cycle. I am looking for opinions on dosing and post cycle therapy (pct) with how I was planning it. Has anyone done a cycle like this before? Thanks again guys for your responses.
I have never heard that clen and deca would work against eachother. I have read in many places that in order to maintain gains while using clen that you should take a moderate dose of test. This was my reasoning for continuing the test while on clen and t3. I could take an extra week of just test between the 2 parts to give more seperation. What do you think of that? I appreciate any feedback given. I am definately interested in staying with this cycle. I am looking for opinions on dosing and post cycle therapy (pct) with how I was planning it. Has anyone done a cycle like this before? Thanks again guys for your responses.

i think it sounds good,but i do agree with lifting weights hes right about deca and clen working against eachother because deca is for bulking and clen is for cutting. clen should NOT be taken with anything!
i think it sounds good,but i do agree with lifting weights hes right about deca and clen working against eachother because deca is for bulking and clen is for cutting. clen should NOT be taken with anything!

Completely ignore what this guy has to say! Save the clen for your next cycle bro
A compound which, because of its distinct anticatabolic effect, fulfills this requirement is the beta-2 sympathomimetic, Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol successfully blocks the cortisone receptors so that the athlete is usually able to maintain a large portion of the strength and muscle mass built up by the steroids. The intake of Clenbuterol begins directly at the end of the steroid therapy and continues over 8-10 weeks (see also Clenbuterol). Another compound of the group of sympaticomimetics which also has an anticatabolic effect (but less pronounced than Clenbuterol) is Ephedrine. Probably the most suitable drug in this situation is a preparation which in school medicine is used in the treatment of the Cushing's syndrome, a hyperfunction of the adrenal glands which causes the body to produce too much cortisone. Those who have read this book carefully will know which drug is meant: Cytadren. Since it reduces the cortisone level extremely well athletes usually take it directly after completion of a steroid treatment (see also Cytadren). Several athletes take thyroid hormones in this phase since they have an anabolic effect when taken in small dosages and for not excessively long intake intervals. Their effect can be clearly increased by the anticatabolic effect of Clenbuterol which explains why this combination is used during the phase of discontinuance. The use of growth hormone also makes sense since it has a strong anticatabolic/anabolic effect. You can forget Ornithin and Arginin which supposedly increase the realising of GH, because they are ineffective. Distance yourself from the thought that pharmaceutically improved muscle mass can be maintained with "natural methods."

this is one of the pieces of information that led to the thought of doing this for my next cycle.
So if I decide to save the clen for a later cycle should I change the original dosing with deca? Longer period of time is my concern?