opinions on tren a dose on 16 week cycle


New member
Ok guys, I'm going to run a low test (200mg WK) eq 900wk and tren a. I planned on running my teen at 150 EOD. My question is do you think I should start at 100mg EOD for first two weeks then go up 25mgs every two weeks until hitting 150mg? I have ran tren a a few times already and I know what to expect. The reason I ask the question is that some guys say you don't need to start that high, let your body slowly get use to it. Also being a 16 WK cycle I don't want my receptor cites to get use to the 150mg right off the rip. Thanks in advance.
Interesting. This reminds me of thinking hmmmm, should I jump off the high dive, the first time, head first or jump in feet first to get a feel for the height of it....lol. Wish I could help bro, but I'll be gathering info from you on this one.
Running tren for 16 weeks will be next to impossible regardless the dose. I would pin 100mgs daily instead...
For how many weeks ??

8 weeks seems to be the standard. You can try going for more weeks but your body will tell you when enuff is enuff. Make sure to take a good liver supp. Read thru Matt's threads if you want a better grasp on length of tren cycles...
I run tren e for 12 weeks at 600mgs a week for no probs at all. I seem to do fine at low test high tren.
Tren E is not Tren A...just sayin'. I ran a 12 week Tren E cycle a few years ago with minimal issues but the sides did start to wear me down. I haven't run Tren A, but nearly everyone indicates the sides are more difficult. I wouldn't count on successfully completing a 16 week cycle. If you do, you should have a lot of new lean muscle mass and a liver that hates you.
8 weeks seems to be the standard. You can try going for more weeks but your body will tell you when enuff is enuff. Make sure to take a good liver supp. Read thru Matt's threads if you want a better grasp on length of tren cycles...

Matt stays on tren year round right? I believe it's taken with his daily multi vitamin
Tren E is not Tren A...just sayin'. I ran a 12 week Tren E cycle a few years ago with minimal issues but the sides did start to wear me down. I haven't run Tren A, but nearly everyone indicates the sides are more difficult. I wouldn't count on successfully completing a 16 week cycle. If you do, you should have a lot of new lean muscle mass and a liver that hates you.

I know bro, I've ran tren a a few times already. I've only ran tren once. I hangout with a couple guys that compete and they say these numbers are moderate.
I know bro, I've ran tren a a few times already. I've only ran tren once. I hangout with a couple guys that compete and they say these numbers are moderate.

I meant to say I only ran tren e once but have ran tren a a few times
I think I'm going for it. I will take nac 1800 daily of coarse. Stay very hydrated. Sleep pills at night lol. I'll stop if I can't take it mentally ori start pissing blood lol.
I know it's not a good idea to stay on that long and I'm not going to make a habit out of it. I just really want to look great this summer. I'm close to my mid 40s and I'll always be on trt but as far as cutting and or leaning out this maybe the last time for me. Cutting is hard for me and I don't like to do it. I enjoy the bulking cycles in which my diet doesnt have to be so strick. I had a good last couple bulk cycles and now I want to lean out and make things pop this summer.
If your trying to cut up good, I wouldn't think 900mgs of eq would help. That stuff makes me eat everything I see! I would run 900mgs of mast instead...
If your trying to cut up good, I wouldn't think 900mgs of eq would help. That stuff makes me eat everything I see! I would run 900mgs of mast instead...

I did well with eq last time I cut at 600 mgs. It was hell. Eq makes me want to eat as well. I like the vainy look it gives you. Already have it.