Optimum Pharma In the House!


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Well got my gear in and pumped up to start my first cycle. Just need to track down some HCG before I start. I will not pin till I have it I wanna keep my HPTA in check on cycle.

Will start a log once I get everything else.
My stats:
About to turn 24, 200lbs, bf I don't know but ill post a pic of myself below. Been lifting for close to 12 years only stopped for surgery recoveries.

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First time cycle will look like this: critique advise is welcome

Weeks 1-12 test e 500mg

Weeks 1-12 arimidex .5 mg EOD to start may bump to ED if needed can get letro if I need to also

Weeks 1-7 tbol kickstart I'm thinking 60-70mg I'm not sure on dosage and length any advise is appreciated

Weeks 3-12 HCG (will be tracking down before I start) 500 iu split into 250iu pins twice a week on same days pinning test

Weeks 14-18 PCT Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
You wish... but you will not run ths gear, cause : Kane will comes in the dark of the night, in to your house, and stole your gear!!! LOLs

O.P is an good choice!!
Started this cycle this past Monday after only four days I am up 6 lbs, and that's weighing in first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Vascularity and pumps from tbol is pretty damn good.
Started this cycle this past Monday after only four days I am up 6 lbs, and that's weighing in first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Vascularity and pumps from tbol is pretty damn good.

Id say you're getting good water retention there. cant be 6lbs of muscle in 4 days...but you know that lol. Cycle looks good tho man. Enjoy the ride and happy cycling!

The gear looks great. Been thinking about trying them out for awhile now. Did you have good communication throughout your order and excellent packing? Without talking transit time, what was the delivery service on a scale of 1 to 5? 5 being the best.
Yes sir! It's a great feeling. I will update as the weeks go on. I accredit most of the gains to the diet this early, but great start so far. 30/30/40 pro/fat/carb ratio at 4350 cals.
Id say you're getting good water retention there. cant be 6lbs of muscle in 4 days...but you know that lol. Cycle looks good tho man. Enjoy the ride and happy cycling!

The gear looks great. Been thinking about trying them out for awhile now. Did you have good communication throughout your order and excellent packing? Without talking transit time, what was the delivery service on a scale of 1 to 5? 5 being the best.

I would say five man I was surprised how quick it arrived as fast as some domestic ugl I've ordered. The discreetness technique they use to get through customs is flawless man so depending on how legit this cycle is, these guy may be my go to. We'll see though still got my whole cycle ahead of me.
I would say five man I was surprised how quick it arrived as fast as some domestic ugl I've ordered. The discreetness technique they use to get through customs is flawless man so depending on how legit this cycle is, these guy may be my go to. We'll see though still got my whole cycle ahead of me.

That's really good to hear. Guess I'm gonna have to try them too :)

Ill be looking forward to the progress and updates throughout this cycle bro! Good luck man
Well I weighed in upon waking, and after my morning shit lol: 209.8lbs up from original 200lbs.
Holding a little water, and obviously I have not gained 9lbs of muscle in 6 days lol that is a retarded claim. I have however, according to the scale gained 9lbs of something and it's not a beer gut haha so I am happy thus far. I see myself everyday so it's hard to see visible changes yet. I did take all my measurements on day one but will hold off til the end to compare numbers. I'm posting a pic below and will try to post pics every once in a while...
Ive curious bout these guys also. Look forward to feed back. After 4 days already feeling it...didnt know u could see results that fast!
Ive curious bout these guys also. Look forward to feed back. After 4 days already feeling it...didnt know u could see results that fast!
Probably more of a placebo effect my friend. I attribute a lot to my dialed in diet and training. Tbol is kicking pump wise & I don't expect to notice the test kicking in until week four. I am glad to share my experience with you guys and hope to shed some light on this UGL.
Day 10 weigh in dry @4:25 AM 215.6 lbs. Feel great lifts going good no extreme strength gains yet but am getting stronger......
Beefyyy.., where you at bro????:confused: Eagerly waiting for your progress report..hahah. Maybe some updated pics would be sweet.
Anyone have bloods on these guys? If not I'll be happy to be providing some in the near future after my order. You guys usually steer in the right direction as with z and pinnacle before and have bloods to prove they were legit. Just wondering if anyone had posted these guys yet. Looking killer btw doc and thanks again for the help