Optimum Pharma In the House!

i have my op coming in soon. ill update. ive seen a few close friends recomp very nicely using op products. im sure im in good hands, but ill update you all soon.
I read some people talking about it frequently causing abscesses?
Obviously I cannot check the validity of other statements, but just something I read. I am interested in their products if this is not the case haha.
I read some people talking about it frequently causing abscesses?
Obviously I cannot check the validity of other statements, but just something I read. I am interested in their products if this is not the case haha.

Been.on for a month no abcess yet man lol. Maybe they were talking about the old OP.. Or.maybe their just not using the gear correctly
Been.on for a month no abcess yet man lol. Maybe they were talking about the old OP.. Or.maybe their just not using the gear correctly
Some PIP happened in the past buts like 3-4 years ago when it was impossible to import high volume Ethyl Oleate
Also some mis usage was also problem
But in the last years this is not a problem at all ...
OP= Awesome

Got my OP Order very quick..it's all there...and so far results are coming along nicely. Blood test confirms it's legit. One of the best packaging I have seen in years ..second to NONE!! I'd rep them any day!!
Haha no I didn't die my wife is 9 months prego and I've been busy as efff. I ended up at 222 lbs up to pct. so 22 lbs total gained. Sorry guys I didn't get bloods while on cycle but I did follow up bloods a month after pct and my HTPA recovered beautifully my total test is over 1000 and I believe my free test was in the 170 range which was marked high according to the lab standards. I have since been cutting and am down to 210 still have 10lbs more body weight and a half inch bigger on my arms. I was more than happy with OP props to them am Dr. Phoenix. I am about to order op's tren e 200 and test e 250 and start another cycle soon!
After doing some more research I've decided I'm going to save cycling tren when I have much more cycle experience under my belt. I'm not scared of the sides, I just realize that taking the one of most powerful aas's for my second cycle probably isn't the wisest move. So instead I want to replace tren with mast to stack with my test.

Here's my proposed cycle:

My goal is a lean bulk (I know I will gain some fat via more cals/carbs and water via test but I will eat as clean as possible to minimize fat gain)

Test e 500mg Wk 1-12
Mast e 500mg Wk 1-12
Var 100mg Wk 1-4 (I Know var is typically used as a hardner at the end of a a cycle)

The reason why I don't want to kickstart with dbol is I am gyno prone and again I want a leaner bulk.
I have already tried tbol and it was ok so I decided I want to try a different oral and in this case I chose var. Again I know typically it's used at the end but I wanna try something new. I also like the fact that var doesn't convert to estrogen. As well as the mast having some A.I. Like qualities.

I will also be pinning hcg sub q 250 iu 2x a week keeping the boys and HPTA in check.
Will have arimidex on hand as we'll possibly .25mg eod maybe less just depending on how well mast suppresses my estrogen, don't want to completely kill my estro.

Pct wk 14-16
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

So what do you guys think? Am I a complete dumb@$$ for wanting to kickstart with var? You won't hurt my feelings being honest lol....
Also mast and var doses? Mine look ok for first time using these?

Thanks for any responses broskis!!!!
Also, update: I have decided to drop the var and kickstart with anadrol. Is this oral too harsh to run 6 weeks? I am thinking 50-100mg per day for 4 weeks. For those who have experience with anadrol what is the sweet spot for dosage and length? 50mg/100mg 4wks/6wks