options for second cycle. came to ask the pros


New member
stats 24 y/o, 6 foot 5, 226lbs 8%bf, first cycle was cyp 500mg a week/10 weeks, clomid PCT.

problem was i experienced MAD bloat from my first cycle. ofcourse i did not take an EI and i had a very dirty bulking diet at the time. im looking to do a second cycle and i want to keep bloat to an absolute minumum.

i was planning to either do prop, var cycle
500mg/ week prop
80-100mg/day var
run var 6-8 weeks, prop for 10
also include appropriate Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and EI and PCT

or doing an all oral cycle
var 80-100 a day/8 weeks
privo 50 a day/8 weeks
include appropriate Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and PCT

im pretty happy with my size, i just want to do some final shredding/tighten and harden up a bit. i wouldn't mind packing 7-10 lean lbs either. my main concern is bloat. i realize with an oral cycle im not looking at nearly the same gains i would get if i included a test base. i just want to know if i can reach my goal based on the all oral cycle. my main concern about adding the test is bloat and injection pains. i chose prop because i read that it is better for water retention and sides then other tests. and ofcourse this cycle i would keep my diet extremely clean like i have been doing while cutting (down 46lbs sofar)

so basically i want to know the pros and cons of both respective cycles and also if i need to worry about bloat with the test. also if there is any suggestions on what i could add to possibly help reduce bloat/increase gains (with the exception of tren, not willing to deal with the sides haha too intense for me).
do not do an oral only cycle, test is the base of all cycles

i would run

test e/c @5-600mg/week 1-16
eq@600mg/week 1-16(lean gains over a period of time)
var @ 100mg/day weeks 10-16


test e/c @5-600mg/week 1-14
var@ 100mg/day weeks 8-14

standard clomid pct with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blasts

the var will help you lean out toward the end. make sure to run an AI(aromasin, adex) this will help you with the bloat. have letro on hand in case of gyno issues

keep your diet clean, lots of water and low sodium

prop for 10 weeks would be a lot of pinning as its best run with eod shots, and prop is painful. test e/c is smoother and can be pinned twice a week

bloat can be controlled by diet, water and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) etc
why would you recomend against an all oral cycle? besides the fact you get better results with injectables and orals are hard on the liver

also with prop the frequency of pinning isnt that big of an issue with me, i have a line on some Atlas prop i can get for very cheap. my buddy used it and he said it didnt hurt him at all. also i like how the short ester is in and out of your system so fast. and is it not true that prop helps with bloat and sides aswell?

lastly i do not want to add eq really becuase of the duration it takes to be effective, i dont want to run that long of a cycle. i more or less just want some quick hardenning gains. i feel that with a test and var i should be able to get what i want. how long would u recommend i run var on a 10 week cycle?
8 opounds in 10 weeks of PURE muscle is a tall order...

I like your prop/var idea personally if your looking for a short run...

But the advice given was sound i m o.
^ you mentioned PIP, have your ever tried prop?? prop hurts like a mofo

however if you can stand the eod pinning and dont mind the prop pain go with prop

you could do

prop 150mg eod weeks 1-10
var @100mg/day weeks 4-10

test is the base of all cycles.....

if you run a var only cycle, it will suppress your natty test. when your natty test shuts down, you will be in a world of hurt. you will loose all your gains when your done. depression, no libido etc, is it worth it?
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