oral tren to kick start?


New member
was wondering if it would be wise to consider replacing my dbol kickstart with oral tren. or should I just use the real thing, didn't know if this is really an option as it is only my second cycle.

first cycle was test e 500 wk, eq 200 wk, and dbol 50mg el 1-4. thanks for any help given bros its much appreciated.
idk let me know how the oral tren is tho... i really wanna try it. I do not want to pin eod
well I do know there is a tren e that can be pinned less so look into that I may try the orals though just to test the water. if anyone has any exp with it let me know would like some feedback on how affective it is.
oral tren is realy efficient but it need to be took in a piramidal cycle to be fair with your liver.

1 mg. have to be concidered as the maximum per day. don't run it more than 4 weeks IMO.
would u consider it more affective than 50mg of dbol? seems I wouldn't get enough tren to match the pproduction of the dbol unless I pin it. is it to harsh for me to pin on my second cycle?
i have the same doubt , when should those 4 weeks be in a 12 week cycle?

in the beggining?middle or end of the cycle?
you will get more satisfaction cause ther's no bloat with oral tren, and it's a quick start for a cycle, the results start are the end of the first week. d-bol is a balls-breaker and bring only water and poor quality muscle. of corse i rate roal-tren over d-bol.