Oral winnie and heartburn


New member
im using 50mg Winstrol (winny) tabs (divided into 2 doses) and everytime i take them i always get heartburn.

i never get heartburn on dbol
Usually its citric acid that triggers it, are you washing it down with orange juice or lemonade or something? Just drink a glass of water afterwards instead if you are.
Powerhouse9 said:
Usually its citric acid that triggers it, are you washing it down with orange juice or lemonade or something? Just drink a glass of water afterwards instead if you are.

nope, just water. i haven't had orange juice (or any juice) in a while. damn low carb diet :mad:
Guess you are gonna have to wait for the antacid Winstrol (winny) to come out. Divide them into 4 doses and take them every 5hours, see if that helps. If not start popping tums with em.
are you taking it on an empty stomach??? you need to take it with food. That'll probably help out a good bit.
hhmmmm....when you say food....are you talking about just protein??? or carbs as well??? maybe a little bit of carbs will help with the digestion of the Winny.
instead of swallowing them try chewing them and let them dissolve in your mouth.