oral winstrol


New member
was wondering have done some research and found mixed reviews. when taking oral do you need say 100mg a day instead of 50mg due to fact that digestion destroys some of it, thanks

also never taken winstrol before will this be a factor?
Erm no. Oral Winstrol (winny) is 17- alpha alkylated which enables it to survive the first pass on the liver. Use the search feature - there is loads of info on Winstrol (winny) with dosing schedules and the likes.

As with most orals, care needs to be taken with liver values and liver protectants should be taken.

Above all - research all you can. Knowledge is the key.

What are your goals...What are your stats...How long training...
my goal is to gain mass, done 3 cycles previously, wt 235, BF% not sure not high at all can see 3 rows of abs and intercostals if that helps. i did do a serach found a lot of mixed reviews though on wether it is best to take a larger dose if taken orally as opposed to injection.
I'm taking 100mg's ed of oral Winstrol (winny) right now. Some people will tell you that the absorption rate is the same whether you take it orally or by injection. There are mixed views on this. Everything I've researched indicates that your body will absorb at most half of the mg dosage, which is why I take 100mg's ed.
I've seen studies on the absorbtion rates of oral vs. injecting, I didn't think it was that much of a difference, maybe like 25%, but I can't find those studies either, so.......
If you are talking IP 50's....you should at least chew up 2 of them since the doses fluctuate so much..i am runng 100 mg daily, and those suckers you have top chew or you'll shit them right out...

eastarr69 said:
If you are talking IP 50's....you should at least chew up 2 of them since the doses fluctuate so much..i am runng 100 mg daily, and those suckers you have top chew or you'll shit them right out...


That's exactly the brand I was referring to.
Bioavailability is better when injecting, but the use of Grapefruit juice will aide in absorbtion!

Most of the studies have been done on animals! Personally, I do see a little bit of a difference when injecting.
Bioavailability is better when injecting, but the use of Grapefruit juice will aide in absorbtion!

Most of the studies have been done on animals! Personally, I do see a little bit of a difference when injecting.

Isn't Grapefruit juice a natural fat burner? I would think the citric acid in grapefruit juice would have the opposite effect.
i crush mine to powder and mix with water and let disolve under the tongue and then swallow the rest and wash 'er down with water...

I think the difference in absortion rate is minimal. I'm using 40mg /day and in 6 days can see results already. I've used a pill crusher since the 1st dose and grind it to a dust then put it all in my mouth and let it dilute further. Then wash it down with any liquid then some food. I'd say pulverizing diminishes the difference in absortion rates....
Juice Authority said:
Isn't Grapefruit juice a natural fat burner? I would think the citric acid in grapefruit juice would have the opposite effect.

It's all to do with the enzymes contained in grapefruit juice. If affects not only oral steroids but a wide range of "legit" medications
Juice Authority said:
I'm taking 100mg's ed of oral Winstrol (winny) right now. Some people will tell you that the absorption rate is the same whether you take it orally or by injection. There are mixed views on this. Everything I've researched indicates that your body will absorb at most half of the mg dosage, which is why I take 100mg's ed.

hmmm...1/2 of the mg dosage...?i don't buy it...i have injected 50mg ED of Upjohn,spectro (early batches) and have taken 50mg orally from Peru Tech and they were just as potent as the ED injection...
eastarr69 said:
If you are talking IP 50's....you should at least chew up 2 of them since the doses fluctuate so much..i am runng 100 mg daily, and those suckers you have top chew or you'll shit them right out...


hey bro, if you are taking 100mg daily, i hope you are taking them 9 hours apart!! you'll get the best results that way as oral Winstrol (winny) has a half life of 9 hours... and yes, always chew tabs, any tabs for best absorption!!!!!!!!!!