Order Bio-Tech Winny but I got Primo


New member
So I've never used Primo and after reading forums searches the past 4 days on Primo it seems most are fake. My first cycle was with Bio-Tech TestE250 (250mg/wk) and Winstrol (winny) and it was great (added 15 lbs muscle and dropped 5% BF) so I'm not worried about it being from Bio-Tech, just it being Primo in general.

I've also read that the "legit" Primo is expensive. This is only my 2nd cycle so IDK much about gear pricing, but I feel like I got a good deal on two vials, but now after also reading it seems I have to run at least 16 wks @ 800-1000kmg/wk on Primo, so now I'm not sure if 2 vials is enough for 16 wks.

So my two questions are...

1) Has anyone used Bio-Primo (Bio-Tech)?

2) @ 800-1000mg/wk will 2 vials (10ml, 100mg) last me at least 16 wks?

thanks guys
So I've never used Primo and after reading forums searches the past 4 days on Primo it seems most are fake. My first cycle was with Bio-Tech TestE250 (250mg/wk) and Winstrol (winny) and it was great (added 15 lbs muscle and dropped 5% BF) so I'm not worried about it being from Bio-Tech, just it being Primo in general.

I've also read that the "legit" Primo is expensive. This is only my 2nd cycle so IDK much about gear pricing, but I feel like I got a good deal on two vials, but now after also reading it seems I have to run at least 16 wks @ 800-1000kmg/wk on Primo, so now I'm not sure if 2 vials is enough for 16 wks.

So my two questions are...

1) Has anyone used Bio-Primo (Bio-Tech)?

2) @ 800-1000mg/wk will 2 vials (10ml, 100mg) last me at least 16 wks?

thanks guys

It's simple math. At 1000mg/week you'll use one bottle a week. So you'll need 16 bottles to complete that. I don't think you'll need that much per week however.
2 vials = 20ml
1ml - 100mg
100mg * 20 (100mg x 20ml because theres 100mg per ml) = 2000
if you're running a primo at 1000mg you'll go through the vials pretty quickly
2 vials = 20ml
1ml - 100mg
100mg * 20 (100mg x 20ml because theres 100mg per ml) = 2000
if you're running a primo at 1000mg you'll go through the vials pretty quickly

I was planning on 800 actually, but now this brings on a bigger question....since I order Winstrol (winny) which two vials would have got me through my planned 14 wks cycle w/Test E and instead I got Primo, should I give back to "my guy" and wait for Winstrol (winny) to come in? like I've mentioned, I've nvr used Primo, nor before 4 days ago knew what it was and there is no way I would have order it if I knew I had to run it for 16+ wks and it was going to take 16 freaking vials!

geez, seems like I just got screwed.
my buddy (the middle man) is saying, his "guy" is saying:

"They say take 1 1/2 cc twice per week with you test and that it's super fast acting."

which (this is prob bad math or bad understanding of conversions) 1cc is 300mg (right?) so 1.5cc is 450mg x twice a week is 900mg which is about right dosage, but again at that rate that will be roughly 5 shots (?) and just 2.5 wks worth of gear?

thanks also for the info and help guys, I appreciate it!
wow dude use a calculator lol... u started off good but :p
but anyways
1 its not super fast acting
2 I highly doubt its 300mg/ml (even if the bottle says it is)
3 if he still wants you to keep it over giving you Winstrol (winny), unless he charged u primo price, id be a lil skeptical
ill keep it simple for you, stash the primo away to you have enough on hand to run it.
get 14-16 vials give or take and run it when your ready. contact your src and let them know you got
the wrong gear that you ordered and if there a good src they will send you what you ordered.
wow dude use a calculator lol... u started off good but :p
but anyways
1 its not super fast acting
2 I highly doubt its 300mg/ml (even if the bottle says it is)
3 if he still wants you to keep it over giving you Winstrol (winny), unless he charged u primo price, id be a lil skeptical

oh i know my math/conversion is all jacked up! The vials are 10ml, 100mg, I have two of them.
and 10x100=1000x2vials=2000divided800=not enough fucking primo!!!! OMG!!!

oh that has been established josh! I'm just pretty pissed that I ordered enough Winstrol (winny) to cover my cycle and when supplier was out, instead of getting my $$ back I got 2 useless bottles of Primo. Now IDK if I could trust supplier to get what I order. I don't mind being told, "hey this out" or "gotta wait", just sucks $$ is spent and replaced with something I didn't order and that can't help me. just saying. Bummed I got burned. I'm sure it happens a lot.
oh that has been established josh! I'm just pretty pissed that I ordered enough Winstrol (winny) to cover my cycle and when supplier was out, instead of getting my $$ back I got 2 useless bottles of Primo. Now IDK if I could trust supplier to get what I order. I don't mind being told, "hey this out" or "gotta wait", just sucks $$ is spent and replaced with something I didn't order and that can't help me. just saying. Bummed I got burned. I'm sure it happens a lot.

why not just get in contact with the source and tell them :/
side question....why does Primo need to be run for 4 months compared to winni being able to run for as little as 5-7 wks at end of a Test cycle?
why not just get in contact with the source and tell them :/

IDK him personally. a friend hooked me up, I order through him and he's now pissed that I'm questioning the order cause he didn't make anything off my order this time. I think it's the simple mindset of supplier and my friend thinking, "he's a noob, he doesn't know anything and will just go with it."

I'm pretty sure they were not counting on me to get on here and do my own research. Not saying they were talking advantage of me, but without knowing supplier face-to-face I'm just a guy to make $$ off of.
IDK him personally. a friend hooked me up, I order through him and he's now pissed that I'm questioning the order cause he didn't make anything off my order this time. I think it's the simple mindset of supplier and my friend thinking, "he's a noob, he doesn't know anything and will just go with it."

I'm pretty sure they were not counting on me to get on here and do my own research. Not saying they were talking advantage of me, but without knowing supplier face-to-face I'm just a guy to make $$ off of.

awe well real primo is like double winnys price :P
I would tell your friend he wasted your time and money, imo if a friend did that to me he would be no friend of mine, why don't you stick around get to know some people and do your homework bro, you will find the right direction to go
I would tell your friend he wasted your time and money, imo if a friend did that to me he would be no friend of mine, why don't you stick around get to know some people and do your homework bro, you will find the right direction to go

I agree Josh, very bummed. 1st order went great so this caught me off guard. TBH though my friend is the typical guy who miss uses gear. He does no research of his own, just listens to whoever, no real knowledge on the gear. Very unsafe IMO and he had bad case of Gyno last cycle too, IDK if he did anything to prevent it (AI) or take care of it. I know he told me he didn't/does do PCT's so right there is a big red flag for me.

anyway, I'll hold onto the Primo, slowly stock up on it and run a cycle in winter months (seems when most do it) in 2014. I have my Test e, so I'll run it solo or wait and find some Winstrol (winny) somewhere else.

has anyone tried Pinnacle Labs oral Winstrol (winny)? And should I do an oral and injectable in same cycle? I heading over now to read the "Oral only" thread, so I might get my answer there :)
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