I picked up some delicious pineapple vinegar last time I was in Tijuana and works wonders on me when I hit the burritos late night.
I used to have chronic heartburn issues too, then like DPR said I found out the problem is not enough acid - not too much. Some things to try are don't overeat as too full a stomach can cause acid to back up, don't eat close to bedtime when you are going to lie down.
For supplements what worked for me was digestive enzymes and papaya extract, got both from Whole Foods. A couple of each a couple times per day. You can also take bromelain to boost acid. All these things helped, and over time the problem goes away. At all costs don't take anything like Nexium, or proton pump inhibitors, and wean yourself off Rolaids.
Also if I take ibuprofen for a couple days in a row the heartburn returns, so I don't use it except for extreme cases.
i eat Chinese when bulking since an hour after you eat your hungry again but defitnetly stay away from anything too greasy before bedtime and always do a shot of dark vinegar before hitting the pillow.
Dark vinegar ?
yellow and white vinegar, I dont discriminate. I even had mango vinegar alot in my foods when I was vacationing in the Philippines last year.
I feel you on that one. wake up hungry in middle of night.... i usually have a protein drink going and have some of that and a hand full of nuts, if i stay awake too long its harder to get back to sleep... but sometimes i just eat small meal and go back to bed.When bulking i wake up in the middle of the night and eat a full meal.
High fiber is a problem if it is supplemented because of the carbs. Naturally high fiber is fantastic for you.
i eat Chinese when bulking since an hour after you eat your hungry again but defitnetly stay away from anything too greasy before bedtime and always do a shot of dark vinegar before hitting the pillow.
I used it to help fat loss (was being pushed for that) and didn't notice much if anything, but it is supposed to be good for you so I was not bitter about it, just might not buy it again.