orgasm while working out...?

... interesting thread. Personally, although it's never brought me to orgasm, Cable Tricep Extensions' really send me 'a feeling'. Think depending on how I stand it puts pressure on the pubic bone area.
Madine, your looking fucking awsome!

and Rj, your looking pretty ripped too, havent seen you guys for a while, how are things going otherwise.
I keep hearing about this from different women so I'm thinking it's true. Usually it's hanging leg raises or the Roman chair that does it but sometimes there are other variations.

I think it's much rarer for guys, for obvious anatomical reasons; in fact, I've never heard of it, except in this thread.
Iv not actually got there, but come very close a few times bench pressin!
Im glad iv come across this thread, as i thought it was just me.
I told my partner about it and was told im odd!