is this anyway like peyote?
I've done peyote, ill try to draw as much of a parallel as i can
my best friend growing up was Lakota.. so it wasn't like i took it lightly for fun, or hung out with a bunch of dirty hippie indian wanna be's and had a typical experience
this was me with my best friend on a rez with a bunch of old fat indians, me being the only "ginger" around for miles..
(to first nation people , every white person is reffered to as a Ginger btw, I'm pale and blonde - no red except for in my beard)
we hit a sweat lodge for 3 nights in a row, me and levi pretty much begging for me to be allowed to sit in on the peyote ceremony. sweet lodge was considered traditional, peyote wasn't originally a lakota thing, considered " progressive traditional"
the old man who ran the peyote ceremonies was in the sweat lodge one night and kept eye fucking me, then somehow decided i was ok for taking part in a button ceremony..
the way it kicked off as pretty typical of a mushroom experience.. i had experience with them before this adventure
i started seeing colors and time space got all weird.. then this euphoria washed over me and buy buddy about the same time. me and my dark assed lakota brother just laughing and giggling like - ha!!!! yeah!!!!
the buzz from peyote..
it was very much like mushrooms with just way more clarity.. my mind didn't seem to wander off on tangents id come back from with me shaking my head " what the fuck was i just thinking about that for?"
instead it felt like i was much more clear headed and able to focus my intentions, examine things and stay plugged in without losing myself in some random direction..
and it seemed to go on and on forever.. it was a loooooong trip
we had been zoned out for a while... then my buddy taps me and says - hey i don't think the old man likes you!
we looked up and chief iron eyes is over there staring me down again like at the sweat
and my brother giggled, then i giggled..
the old man didn't care for that shit.
yeah, so this old indian comes over and gets right in my fucking face while I'm all toasted on peyote..
imagine me tripping me fucking face off, walls breathing faces melting and the old man is right in front of me half the night trying to fuck with me, i had this aggressive pissed off old indian man shaking a rattle and fanning feathers at me pretty much cursing me the whole time.
i remember pointing my finger at him and telling him , i am a natural human being - fick ous!!!
and he did.
yea.. i told a peyote medicne man to fuck off in german int he middle of a ceremony and he left me alone . went and sat on the other side of the lodge and chanted.
my buddy adding " leave him the fuck alone already, you old dick" while the old man shuffled off
this friend of mine was mistaken for being samoan off the rez, i had the biggest reddest most bad ass injun on the rez for a brother.. so yea, i knew id be fine
peyote was deep for me, that night shaped a lot about what i came to expect of myself.. perspective on manhood and the human experience..
me and my brother finished the night swearing up and down wed known each other for lifetimes before, taking turns being red white or asian, but that wed been friends across lifetimes and always would be.
comparing peyote to ayahuasca..
id say is like comparing a roller coaster ride at disney in the middle of the day with your family watching you do loop de loops..
to ayahuasca being on a fiery jetliner in a tailspin , white knuckle grip on your fucking armrest reevaluating everything you re ever done ever wil do when if you ever get out of this.
at some point during an ayahuasca ceremony, two things almost always happen to people
1 you think you are going to die
2 you suddenly are fine with dying, its no big deal
on peyote, i couldn't have driven a school bus.. but after being all peaky and tweaked out for maybe two hours tops - i damn sure could have walked out of there, got in my buddys truck and driven us back to his house if we had decided it was enough
on ayahuasca? walking down the street would have been a challenge..
two totally different animals , for sure..
sorry for rambling ,
thats a pretty fair analogy, actually