Orgasmic Dysfunction - What is Causing the Problem?

What are the known consequences of long term AI and hcg use? Are there even any studies on a man taking hcg and an AI for 20+ years? Just wondering.
What are the known consequences of long term AI and hcg use? Are there even any studies on a man taking hcg and an AI for 20+ years? Just wondering.

There aren't any long term studies that I'm aware of. That was the main reason my Endo gave me when he told me he wouldn't prescribe it. Thankfully there are other ways.

Its a risk, but honestly, I couldn't live with the sides, and I can't live with my T at 144 where I was, so if it takes some years off my life I'm ok with it. I'd rather have a high quality life that is a little shorter than stick around to be miserable. I've got plenty of life insurance, my kids will be fine, much better off with happy me than hypogonadal or sexually dysfunctional me yelling at them all the time.
There aren't any long term studies that I'm aware of. That was the main reason my Endo gave me when he told me he wouldn't prescribe it. Thankfully there are other ways.

Its a risk, but honestly, I couldn't live with the sides, and I can't live with my T at 144 where I was, so if it takes some years off my life I'm ok with it. I'd rather have a high quality life that is a little shorter than stick around to be miserable. I've got plenty of life insurance, my kids will be fine, much better off with happy me than hypogonadal or sexually dysfunctional me yelling at them all the time.
What do u mean when u say "there are other ways"
Other ways to get HCG besides an Endo who will only treat you according to the outdated Endocrine Society Guidelines. Like the forum sponsor IMT for example.