Orlando lab raided, tons of people busted

There are a ton of labs in FL, so it's probably going to be awhile until we know anything. I do know that this has my attention as I have done business with a rather large lab from that neck of the woods.

Oh, found this little gem:
Agent Walsh said:
"One of the significant by products of steroids is 'roid rage.'* We know it affects personality and these people are using steroids, and they're driving cars and going to work under that influence so it becomes a safety issue," said Walsh.

Ahhh, can't keep raping people for cannabis money anymore as it's quickly becoming legal across the country, so let's start demonizing AAS again with misinformation.

Good times.
OMG, did you see what they said?! One of the main byproducts caused by steroids is "roid rage"! Why did no one tell me this?! I could explode at any minute!!! Ahhhhhhgggg
omg, did you see what they said?! One of the main byproducts caused by steroids is "roid rage"! Why did no one tell me this?! I could explode at any minute!!! Ahhhhhhgggg

reading that statement made me so furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The mainstream media is fucking lame. And our law enforcement needs something to demonize. But as long as we have private, for profit prisons--we are not going to see a rational change. The rich kids in the Bay Area can all get Adderall with a script. But if a poor kid (who is likely not white) needs a study aid--he's going to the poky.

Was there any truth to the story at Joe Wieder helped support the reclassification of AAS to CIII? I've read that he supported the reclassification to add credibility to his empire. "If Joe Wieder supports banning steroids then his boyz couldn't possibly be using them." Or so I remember. Anyhow, I looking forward to 3D printing...
Roid Rage is now our biggest threat? Not some whacko in Washington? Or the millions of Americans driving around on a half dozen prescription sleep/psyche/booze/whatever drugs? Really?

My favorite is: "He says the steroids were sold on the streets, parking lots, gyms and individual homes." Like Fuller Brush or Amway? If only it was as easy as answering the door to the Mormons.
you talk about this hyphy mud so much you must have a connect, pm me with ug hyphy lab details

Sorry, source talk is not allowed on the open forums. :nonono2:

Besides, Kali might get mad and start hulk smashing everything due to Ramen Rage! ;)