I think that the United States is showing the world what idiots we are here. There are so many more important issues that are going on and these administrations focus on things people do to themselves? When the teen Miss America was caught using cocaine with her senior rival, it is forgiven. No example set for our daughters there? Yet they are let off with no punishment. Barry Bonds hits a ball over the wall, and the excuse is that this is not a good example to our boys. The US is the only place where a woman can fuck her 13 year old student for over a year and let other 13 year old boys watch, and because the mother of the 13 year old is worried about her poor little boy being subjected to the media, she asks the law to slap her on the wrist with no jail time and they do?? WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT!?!? The poor kid behind my house got caught with two 3.5gram bags of weed and he is deemed a dealer by LE. His dad is dieing of cancer and he has enough problems. His mom and half the neighborhood stood up for him and asked them not to prosecute, but they still did! 6 months in jail!!??!?! WHAT THE FUCK? 1 Beer is a DUI in the US, yet they provide a parking lot to drive to the bar even though the bar does not serve food. Yet if a cop drinks and drives its 85% of the time ok if they are caught, and if they speed or run red lights it is 100% ok. They set such good examples.... In the eighties steroids were going to kill a mass number of users in there older years, where are they? Now it is roid rage??? Where is the proof aside from finding a bottle of test, that Chris Benoit killed his wife and kid? If you here how they were found, it sounds like murder to me. Why is it there are millions of men and women who get beat up by their spouses, get into fights, rage over stupid things, but when the person happens to be an athlete or bodybuilder, it is roid rage? WHAT THE FUCK! Why is it when a person dies of a heart attack, stroke, etc. it is bad lifestyle habits that killed them, but when a past steroid user who lives the exact same way dies of the same diseases, at the same age, it is said to be from the steroids? How is it that the US sells cigarettes and alcohol but makes prohormones to require a prescription, and furthermore goes as far to make them CONTROLLED DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES when no one died?? They come into our gyms smoking and drinking and tell us we cannot take something no one has died from??? WHAT THE FUCK?!? How is something passed as a dangerous substance in the US when not one person died? Smoking and drinking is ok though, right? What examples to set are they talking about?? Hypocrites, hypocrites, hypocrites....that is what the US LAW is. I'll keep going.... Former President lied to the grand jury about an affair he had with a 19 year old intern. Dont care about the affair... he lied period! Was found not guilty for lying! I believe that is called dictatorship. His punishment could have been nothing and that would have been ok to me, but he lied and was found not guilty by a democratic cabinet! Not good. All signs of decline. So I ask all of us as Americans to take a long look at the past 2 administrations behavior. Both administrations are responsible for this mess. Because you must be rich to run in politics in this country, you can see that it has finally happened to the US...what do I mean? Look at what we focus our attention and concerns on. Simply put, there are nothing but rich, spoiled, brats up there that have no clue about what it really takes to survive and take care of your family. You want change? Don't vote another Clinton in, (I cannot believe people are dumb enough to even consider that), and DON'T VOTE FOR ANYONE WHO IS BEING FUNDED BY OIL, PHARMACY, OR INSURANCE. It is that simple, but it will never happen because the majority of Americans understand politics like quantum physics. So they vote based on what they hear, not what they know. Educate yourselves and you will see..... unfortunately most Americans education comes from CNN and FOX news.... WERE A DICTATORSHIP...lets face it....A DICTATORSHIP OF MONEY!, Penalties do not fit the crimes. That is why there are 7X as many people in jail than anywhere else in the world, and it keeps rising. Terrible place for a struggling person who does a little hormones and exercises, drinks a little beer, blue collar worker to live..... terrible...What have the US become?... A bunch of jealous, rumor spreading, know it all, dictating, uneducated ass holes. We are truly the laughing stock of all other organized countries on the world. First chance I get I'm moving to Canada. At least there I will not be considered a criminal for being an athlete. YOUR A TRUE IGNORANT ASS HOLE MR. BUSH!! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING. I WAS BORN HERE, BUT I AM ASHAMED TO SAY I'M FROM HERE.