Osta Low try


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Hello to all, I am a newbie and of course I understand that I will need some time to get settled in.

But through a lot of research this site actually seems to be the best online.

I have looked at many posts and threads over many days, and I made my first purchase of osta low for my mouse Gilbert. Is there a good place to start a log of the findings?

Hello and goodbye

I too was in the same boat and asked a lot of questions. I just received my first order of Osta-Max and GW501516 today and just ordered my first order of S-4. I'm not going to start the Osta or GW til I receive my S-4. But the info I got from the guys would be to try to cycle like this.

S-4 for 8 weeks, 4 days on 3 days off, at 12.5ml - 50ml depending on tolerance
Osta for 8 weeks, 5 days on 2 days off, at .5ml - 25ml
Gw for 8 weeks, only on work out days, at .3ml - 10ml

They said not to go to high with the S-4 due to the yellow vision problem but at the above dose should not have any yellow vision.

If I'm wrong guys chime in and correct me. So we both can be sure how to cycle them.
That looks real good Chuck
I too was in the same boat and asked a lot of questions. I just received my first order of Osta-Max and GW501516 today and just ordered my first order of S-4. I'm not going to start the Osta or GW til I receive my S-4. But the info I got from the guys would be to try to cycle like this.

S-4 for 8 weeks, 4 days on 3 days off, at 12.5ml - 50ml depending on tolerance
Osta for 8 weeks, 5 days on 2 days off, at .5ml - 25ml
Gw for 8 weeks, only on work out days, at .3ml - 10ml

They said not to go to high with the S-4 due to the yellow vision problem but at the above dose should not have any yellow vision.

If I'm wrong guys chime in and correct me. So we both can be sure how to cycle them.
Hey welcome Ology colo!

Thank you for that purchase from Osta as well.

Look forward to your forum input on that product. Please keep us informed. Look forward to more business with you in the future.
Hello to all, I am a newbie and of course I understand that I will need some time to get settled in.

But through a lot of research this site actually seems to be the best online.

I have looked at many posts and threads over many days, and I made my first purchase of osta low for my mouse Gilbert. Is there a good place to start a log of the findings?

Hello and goodbye

From experience the yellow eye is based on tolerance, i started with S4 at 50mg/day split morning /night yellow eye set in with a vengeance by 2nd week and stayed for the rest of the cycle. 36hrs after cycle stopped, it was gone completely. The yellow eye is only noticeable on low freq light, ( incandescent , fluorescent), any LED or HID lights are normal. Next S4 cycle I did the same dose and yellow eye was ~ 15% of what it was on the first cycle. 3rd cycle was 100mg/day split evening and pre work out, I had yellow eye at ~ 50% of the original cycle level and only from week 3 on to end of 4. I've never had the yellowing as intense as the first cycle and the 3-4th cycles were non existent in terms of yellow eye/low light issues, ( this is with osta 25mg/day stacked with S4 50mg/day).

I'm 44, with 20-20 vision and after running 6 cycles of S4/osta in various stacks my 20-20 has not changed.
Kool, Hull Tech but I don't think I'm going to go over 40ml a day to play it safe. At 40ml a day 4 on and 3 off I think I sure see some good result being I'm stacking it with GW501516 and Osta-Max. When I start the cycle I will keep ya'll posted on any sides and results.

Thanks, for the input Osta Gain.
Hey welcome Ology colo!

Thank you for that purchase from Osta as well.

Look forward to your forum input on that product. Please keep us informed. Look forward to more business with you in the future.

Thank you,

I do wonder though as I cannot pm, is it possible for my mouse Gilbert to gain mass and keep it while just using ostarine? Or is it usually added to a test cycle of some sort?

So in other words can good mass be gained by just using ostarine? or must I try and find some test e somewhere?

I want Gilbert to stay healthy, which by looking at results is why I like Osta Gain, so I figured I would ask.
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