Osta Rx and Super-DMZ in stock!!

What made you guys go with 20 mg on the Osta RX? Any benefit of the capsules vs. the liquids? I've been using Osta for about 5 months on and off, this product sounds very interesting.
After a lot of research into the OSTA im going to snag a bottle.

Yh I grabbed a couple as well. I am going to run it solo with Anabeta, and then I will use it as part of my next PH cycle PCT..SJ

Looks like a solid product and I like that its in pill form..SJ
Yh I grabbed a couple as well. I am going to run it solo with Anabeta, and then I will use it as part of my next PH cycle PCT..SJ

Looks like a solid product and I like that its in pill form..SJ
me too, not much of a liquid fan and caps are way easier to take since they wont taste like ass./
About 20 Osta logs are starting this week. Should be cool to follow. We have one guy that got labs pre Osta and is getting labs in week 3-4.
Why has there been such a huge increase in the price of this product, Osta RX. It went from 59 to 99. Anyone know? Is there limited supply etc..SJ
Most of the sites uped the price as well. I really did not want all that extra stuff in it besides the osta but it was a fair price at 59. Oh well, wont be able to afford anymore at the new price..SJ
What made you guys go with 20 mg on the Osta RX? Any benefit of the capsules vs. the liquids? I've been using Osta for about 5 months on and off, this product sounds very interesting.

It's actually 6.5mg per cap, 20 (actually 19.5) is just the recommended dose of 3 caps a days. I don't see any difference between 20 and 12.5-13 so I just run it at 13.